Chapter: get > system admin

system admin

Use these commands to view admin configuration.


get system admin group <group name>

get system admin ldap <server entry name>

get system admin profile <profile ID>

get system admin radius <server entry name>

get system admin setting

get system admin tacacs <server entry name>

get system admin user <username>


This example shows the output for get system admin setting:

access-banner : disable

admin-https-redirect: enable

admin-login-max : 256

admin_server_cert : server.crt

allow_register : disable

auto-update : enable

banner-message : (null)

chassis-mgmt : disable

chassis-update-interval: 15

device_sync_status : enable

gui-theme : blue

http_port : 80

https_port : 443

idle_timeout : 478

install-ifpolicy-only: enable

mgmt-addr : (null)

mgmt-fqdn : (null)

offline_mode : disable

register_passwd : *

shell-access : disable

show-add-multiple : enable

show-adom-devman : enable

show-checkbox-in-table: disable

show-device-import-export: enable

show_automatic_script: disable

show_grouping_script: disable

show_schedule_script: disable

show_tcl_script : disable

unreg_dev_opt : add_allow_service

webadmin_language : auto_detect