Tiered architecture

Tier nodes can be managed by going to Fortinet SSO Methods > SSO > Tiered Architecture.

The following options are available:

Create New Select to create a new tier node.
Delete Select to delete the selected node or nodes.
Edit Select to edit the selected node.
Search Enter a search term in the search text box then select Search to search the tier node list.
Name The node name.
Tier Role The node’s tier role, either Collector or Supplier.
Address The IP address of the node.
Port The collector port number. Only applicable if Tier Role is Collector.
Serial Number The serial number or numbers.
Enabled If the node is enabled, a green circle with a check mark will be shown.
A node can be disabled without losing any of its settings.
To add a new tier node:
  1. From the tier node list, select Create New. The Create New Tier Node window opens.
  2. Enter the following information:
  3. Name Enter a name to identify the node.
    Serial number Enter the device serial number.
    Alternate serial number Optionally, enter a second, or alternate, serial number for an HA cluster member.
    Tier Role Select the tier node role, either Supplier or Collector.
    Node IP address Enter the IP address for the supplier or collector.
    Collector port Enter the collector port number. Default is 8002. This only applies is Collector is selected as the Tier Role.
    Disable Disable the node without losing any of its settings.
  4. Select OK to create the new tier node.