Fine-grained controls

The Fine-grained Controls menu provides options to include or exclude a user or group from SSO, and set the maximum number of concurrent sessions that a user or group can have.

To adjust the controls, go to Fortinet SSO Methods > SSO > Fine-grained Controls.

The following options are available:

Edit Edit the selected user’s or group’s settings.
Clear Configuration Clear the SSO configuration for the selected users or groups.
Exclude from SSO Select a user or users, then select Exclude from SSO to exclude them from SSO.
Include in SSO Select a user or users, then select Include in SSO to include the selected users in SSO.
SSO Type Select the SSO type to view from the dropdown menu. The options are: Local Users, Local Groups, SSO Users, and SSO Groups.
SSO Name The users’ or groups’ names. Select the column title to sort the list by this column.
Maximum Concurrent Sessions The maximum concurrent sessions allowed for the user or group. This number cannot be greater than five.
Excluded from SSO If the user or group is excluded from SSO, a red circle with a line will be displayed.
To edit an SSO user or group:
  1. In the Fine-grained Controls window, select the SSO user or group that is being edited then select Edit. The Edit SSO Item window opens.
  2. Enter the maximum number of concurrent SSO logon sessions per user that the user or group is allowed to have. Enter 0 for unlimited. The number must be equal to or less than five.
  3. If the SSO item is a user, select Exclude from SSO to exclude the user from SSO.
  4. Select OK to apply the changes.