What’s new
What’s new
The list below contains features new or changed since FortiADC 2.0.0. For upgrade information, see the Release Notes available with the firmware and “Updating the firmware”.
FortiADC 3.0.0
Back up your configuration before upgrading to FortiADC 3.0.0. To upgrade, you must use a clean install (see “Restoring firmware (“clean install”)”), which will not preserve your configuration. After upgrading, you must either reconfigure the appliance, or restore your configuration.
Link load balancing— FortiADC now supports load balancing among its links, in addition to distributing among local and globally distributed servers. Depending on if the traffic is inbound or outbound, different mechanisms are available: outbound can use weighted round robin; inbound can use DNS-based round robin or weighted round robin. See “Load balancing among links”.
HTTP response compression — FortiADC now can compress responses from your back-end servers, allowing you to offload compression from your back-end servers for performance tuning that delivers faster replies to clients. See “Compressing HTTP responses”.
Quality of service (QoS) — FortiADC now can guarantee bandwidth and queue based upon source/destination address, direction, and network service. See “Guaranteeing bandwidth & controlling queueing (QoS)”.
Source NAT (SNAT) — When applying NAT, FortiADC can now apply either static or dynamic source NAT, depending on your preference. See “Applying source NAT (SNAT)”.
Session persistence by source IP segment— FortiADC now can apply session persistence for entire segments of source IPs such as Previously, session persistence applied to a single source IP. See “Specifying server-side session persistence”.
Health check enhancements — FortiADC now supports additional health check types for servers that respond to these protocols: email (SMTP, POP3, IMAP), TCPS, TCP SYN (half-open connection), SNMP, and UDP. See “Monitoring your servers’ responsiveness”.
HA enhancements — FortiADC HA now synchronizes Layer 3/4 and Layer 7 sessions and connections for session persistence and uninterrupted connections when the standby assumes control of traffic. See “Data that is not synchronized by HA”.
FortiADC 2.1.0
Support for FortiADC 200D and FortiADC-VM— FortiADC software has been released to support these new platforms.
Documentation enhancements
Installation and first-time setup instructions have been added.
Topology diagrams and required default port numbers have been expanded.
CLI instructions and a reference of available commands have been added.