Anti-defacement : Specifying files that anti-defacement does not monitor
Specifying files that anti-defacement does not monitor
You can create a list of folder (directory) or file names that the anti-defacement feature does not monitor. You can also create a list of items that anti-defacement always monitors.
FortiWeb applies the filters in these lists to any web site you configure using Web Protection > Web Anti Defacement > Anti Defacement.
To configure anti-defacement file filtering
1. Go to Web Protection > Web Anti Defacement > Anti Defacement File Filter and complete the following settings:
Setting name
Type a name for the filter.
Filter Type
Specify the type of list to create:
Black File ListA list of the names of folders and files that the anti-defacement feature does not monitor. FortiWeb monitors all other folders and files.
White File ListA list of the names of folders and files that the anti-defacement feature monitors. FortiWeb does not monitor any other folders or files.
FortiWeb still applies criteria in the anti-defacement configuration to these items. For example, if the file size exceeds the maximum, FortiWeb does not monitor it.
2. Click OK.
3. Click Create New and complete the following settings:
Setting name
File Type
Specify the type of item to add to the list:
DirectoryA folder or directory path.
Standard File A file.
File Name
Enter the name of the folder or file to add to the list.
Ensure that the name exactly matches the folder or file that you want to specify. For Directory items, include the / (forward slash).
For example, if File Type is Directory and you want to add a folder abc that is under the root folder of a web site, enter /abc.
You can restrict the filter condition to a specific file by including file path information in File Name. For example, a web site contains many files with the name 123.txt. To specify the instance located in the abc folder only, enter /abc/123.txt.
4. Repeat the filter member creation steps until the list contains all the required folder and file names.