Rewriting & redirecting : Example: Inserting & deleting body text
Example: Inserting & deleting body text wants to delete some text, and insert other text. As an example, it wants to change:
Hey everyone, this works!
Hey, this works now!
To do this, it will rewrite matching parts of the body in the web server’s response.
The regular expression contains capture groups (.*) that create numbered substrings — back-references such as $0 — that you can recall by their number when writing the replacement text. By omitting a capture group (in this case, $1 is omitted from Replacement), that part of the text is removed. To insert text, simply add it to the replacement text.
Table 44: Example body rewrite using regular expressions
Regular Expression in URL match condition
(.*)(everyone), (.*)(works)!
$0, $2 $3 now!
See also
Regular expression syntax
What are back-references?
Cookbook regular expressions