config : server-policy pattern data-type-group
server-policy pattern data-type-group
Use this command to configure data type groups.
A data type group selects a subset of one or more predefined data types. Each of those entries in the data type group defines a type of input that the FortiWeb appliance should attempt to recognize and track in HTTP sessions when gathering data for an auto-learning profile.
For example, if you include the Email data type in the data type group, auto-learning profiles that use the data type group might discover that your web applications use a parameter named username whose value is an email address.
If you know that your network’s HTTP sessions do not include a specific data type, omit it from the data type group to improve performance. The FortiWeb appliance will not expend resources scanning traffic for that data type.
Data type groups are used by auto-learning profiles. For details, see “config server-policy policy”.
To use this command, your administrator account’s access control profile must have either w or rw permission to the traroutegrp area. For more information, see “Permissions”.
config server-policy pattern data-type-group
edit <data-type-group_name>
config type-list
edit <entry_index>
set data-type {Address | Canadian_Post_code | Canadian_Province_Name | Canadian_SIN | China_Post_Code | Country_Name | Credit_Card_Number | Danmark_Postalcode | Dates_and_Times | Email | GPA | GUID | ip_address | Indian_Vehicle_Number | Italian_mobile_phone | Kuwait_Civil_ID | L1_Password | L2_Password | Markup_or_Code | Microsoft_product_key | NINO | Netherlands_Postcode | Num | personal_name | Phone | Quebec_Postal_Code | String | Swedish_personal_number | Swedish_Postalcode | UAE_land_phone | UK_Bank_code | UK_postcode | US_SSN | US_State_Name | US_Street_Address | US_Zip_Code | Unix_device_name | Uri | Windows_file_name}
Type the name of the data type group. The maximum length is 35 characters.
To display the list of existing groups, type:
edit ?
No default.
Type the index number of the individual entry in the table. The valid range is from 1 to 9,999,999,999,999,999,999.
No default.
data-type {Address | Canadian_Post_code | Canadian_Province_Name | Canadian_SIN | China_Post_Code | Country_Name | Credit_Card_Number | Danmark_Postalcode | Dates_and_Times | Email | GPA | GUID | ip_address | Indian_Vehicle_Number | Italian_mobile_phone | Kuwait_Civil_ID | L1_Password | L2_Password | Markup_or_Code | Microsoft_product_key | NINO | Netherlands_Postcode | Num | personal_name | Phone | Quebec_Postal_Code | String | Swedish_personal_number | Swedish_Postalcode | UAE_land_phone | UK_Bank_code | UK_postcode | US_SSN | US_State_Name | US_Street_Address | US_Zip_Code | Unix_device_name | Uri | Windows_file_name}
For each data-type entry, enter one of the following predefined data types exactly as shown (available options may vary due to FortiGuard updates):
Address — Canadian postal codes and United States ZIP code and ZIP + 4 codes.
Canadian_Post_code — Canadian postal codes such as K2H 7B8 or k2h7b8. Does not match hyphenations such as K2H-7B8.
Canadian_Province_Name — Modern and older names and abbreviations of Canadian provinces in English, as well as some abbreviations in French, such as Quebec, IPE, Sask, and Nunavut. Does not detect province names in French, such as Québec.
Canadian_SIN — Canadian Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) such as 123-456-789.
China_Post_Code — Chinese postal codes such as 610000.
Country_Name — Country names, codes, and abbreviations in English characters, such as CA, Cote d’Ivoire, Brazil, Russian Federation, Brunei, and Dar el Salam.
Credit_Card_Number — American Express, Carte Blanche, Diners Club, enRoute, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB), Master Card, Novus, and Visa credit card numbers.
Danmark_Postalcode — Danish postal code (“postnumre”) such as DK-1499 and dk-1000. Does not match codes that are not prefixed by “DK-”, nor numbers that do not belong to the range of valid codes, such as 123456 or dk 12.
Dates_and_Times — Dates and times in various formats such as +13:45 for time zone offsets, 1:01 AM, 1am, 23:01:01, and 01.01.30 AM for times, and 31.01.2009, 31/01/2009, 01/31/2000, 2009-01-3, 31-01-2009, 1-31-2009, 01 Jan 2009, 01 JAN 2009, 20-Jan-2009 and February 29, 2009 for dates.
Email — Email addresses such as
GPA — A student’s grade point average, such as 3.5, based upon the 0.0-to-4.0 point system, where an “A” is worth 4 points and an “F” is worth 0 points. Does not match GPAs weighted on the 5 point scale for honors, IB, or AP courses, such as 4.1. The exception is 5.5, which it will match.
GUID — A globally unique identifier used to identify partition types in the hard disk’s master boot record (MBR), such as BFDB4D31-3E35-4DAB-AFCA-5E6E5C8F61EA. Partition types are relevant on computers which boot via EFI, using the MBR, instead of an older-style BIOS.
No default.
ip_addressA public or private IPv4 address, such as Does not match IPv6 addresses.
Indian_Vehicle_Number — An Indian Vehicle Registration Number, such as mh 12 bj 1780.
Italian_mobile_phone — Italian mobile phone numbers with the prefix for international calls, such as +393471234567, or without, such as 3381234567. Does not match numbers with a dash or space after the area code, nor VoIP or land lines.
Kuwait_Civil_ID — Personal identification number for Kuwait, such as 273032401586. Must begin with 1, 2, or 3, and follow all other number patterns for valid civil IDs.
L1_Password — A string of at least 6 characters, with one or more each of lower-case characters, upper-case characters, and digits, such as aBc123. Level 1 passwords are “weak” passwords, generally easier to crack than level 2 passwords.
L2_Password — A strong password — string of at least 8 characters, with one or more each of lower-case characters, upper-case characters, digits, and special characters, such as aBc123$%.
Markup_or_Code — HTML comments, wiki code, hexadecimal HTML color codes, quoted strings in VBScript and ANSI SQL, SQL statements, and RTF bookmarks such as:
• #00ccff, <!‑‑A comment.‑‑>
• [link url=""]
• {\*\bkmkstart TagAmountText}
Does not match ANSI escape codes, which are instead detected as strings.
Microsoft_product_key — An alphanumeric key for activation of Microsoft software, such as ABC12-34DEF-GH567-IJK89-LM0NP. Does not match keys which are non-hyphenated, nor where letters are not capitalized.
Netherlands_Postcode — Netherlands postal codes (“postcodes”) such as 3000 AA or 3000AA. Does not match postal codes written in lower-case letters, such as 3000aa.
NINO — A United Kingdom National Insurance Number (NINO), such as AB123456D. Does not match NINOs written in lower-case letters, such as ab123456d.
Num — Numbers in various monetary, decimal, comma-separated value (CSV) and other formats such as 123, +1.23, $1,234,567.89, 1'235.140, and -123.45e-6. Does not detect hexadecimal numbers, which are instead detected as strings or code, and Social Security Numbers, which are instead detected as strings.
personal_nameA person’s full or abbreviated name in English. It can contain punctuation, such as A.J. Schwartz, Jean-Pierre Ferko, or Jane O’Donnell. Does not match names written in other languages with accented Latinate characters, hanzu, kanji, or hangul, such as Renée Wächter or 林美.
Phone — Australian, United States, and Indian phone numbers in various formats such as (123)456-7890, 1.123.456.7890, 0732105432, and +919847444225.
Quebec_Postal_Code — Postal codes written in the style sometimes used by Quebecers, with hyphens between the two parts, such as h2j-3c4 or H2J-3C4.
String — Character strings such as alphanumeric words, credit card numbers, United States Social Security Numbers (SSN), UK vehicle registration numbers, ANSI escape codes, and hexadecimal numbers in formats such as user1, 123-45-6789, ABC 123 A, 4125632152365, [32mHello, and 8ECCA04F.
Swedish_Postalcode — Postal codes (“postnummer”) for Sweden, with or without spaces or hyphens, such as S 751 70, s75170, or S-751-70. Requires the initial S or s letter. Does not match invalid postal codes such as ones that begin with a 0, or ones that do not begin with the letter S or s.
Swedish_personal_number — Personal identification number (“personnummer”) for Sweden, such as 19811116-7845. Must be hyphenated. Does not match PINs for persons whose age is 100 or greater.
UAE_land_phone — Telephone number for the United Arab Emirates, such as 04 - 3452499 or 04 3452499. Does not match phone numbers beginning with 01 or 08.
UK_Bank_code — Bank sort codes for the United Kingdom, such as 09‑01‑29. Must be hyphenated.
UK_postcode — Postal codes for the United Kingdom, with or without spaces, such as SW1A 2AA or SW1A2AA.
Unix_device_name — Standard Linux or UNIX non-loopback wired Ethernet network interface names, such as eth0. Does not match names for any other type of device, such as lo, hdda, or ppp.
Uri — Uniform resource identifiers (URI) such as:
US_SSN — United States Social Security Numbers (SSN) such as 123-45-6789.
US_State_Name — United States state names and modern postal abbreviations such as HI and Wyoming. Does not detect older postal abbreviations such as Fl. or Wyo.
US_Street_AddressUnited States city and street address, possibly including an apartment or suite number. City and street may be either separated with a space or written on two lines according to US postal conventions, such as:
123 Main Street Suite #101
Honolulu, HI 10001
Does not match:
ZIP + 4 codes that include spaces, or do not have a hyphen (e.g. “10001 - 1111” or “10001 1111”)
city abbreviations of 2 characters (e.g. “NY” instead of “NYC”)
Washington D.C. addresses
multiline addresses on Mac OS X, Linux or Unix computers
unabbreviated state names (e.g. “Delaware”)
addresses ending with the country (e.g. “USA”)
addresses beginning with numbers written as words (e.g. “Seven Main Street” instead of “7 Main Street”)
US_Zip_Code — United States ZIP code and ZIP + 4 codes such as 34285‑3210.
Windows_file_nameA valid windows file name, such as Untitled.txt. Does not match file extensions, or file names without their extensions.
To display available options, type:
set data-type ?
Note: The web UI displays the regular expressions that define each predefined data type. For details, see the FortiWeb Administration Guide.
This example configures a data type group named data-type-group1 that detects addresses and phone numbers when an auto-learning profile uses it.
config server-policy pattern data-type-group
edit data-type-group1
config type-list
edit 1
set data-type Address
edit 2
set data-type Phone
Related topics
config waf web-protection-profile autolearning-profile