diagnose : network arp
network arp
Use this command to add or delete an address resolution protocol (ARP) table entry, or to display the ARP table. The ARP table is used to resolve the IP addresses that correspond to a network interface card’s physical MAC address, thereby determining which IP addresses can be reached directly through a link.
To use this command, your administrator account’s access control profile must have rw or w permission to the sysgrp area. For more information, see “Permissions”.
diagnose network arp add <interface_name> {<interface_ipv4> | interface_ipv6>} <mac-address_hex>
diagnose network arp delete <interface_name> {<interface_ipv4> | interface_ipv6>} <mac-address_hex>
diagnose network arp list
Type the name of the interface to add or delete from the ARP table.
No default.
{<interface_ipv4> | interface_ipv6>}
Type the IP address of the interface.
No default.
Type the MAC address of the interface.
No default.
This example displays a list of ARP table entries and then deletes one.
diagnose network arp list
IP address HW type Flags HW address Mask Device 0x1 0x2 00:13:72:38:72:21 * port1 0x1 0x2 00:26:2D:24:B7:D3 * port2
diagnose network arp delete port2 00:26:2D:24:B7:D3
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diagnose network route
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config router static
config system interface