Chapter 4 Authentication : Agent-based FSSO : Introduction to agent-based FSSO : FSSO for Windows AD : Polling mode
Polling mode
In Polling mode there are two options — NetAPI polling, and Event log polling. Both share the advantages of being transparent and agentless.
NetAPI polling is used to retrieve server logon sessions. This includes the logon event information for the Controller agent. NetAPI runs faster than Event log polling but it may miss some user logon events under heavy system load. It requires a query round trip time of less than 10 seconds.
Event log polling may run a bit slower, but will not miss events, even when the installation site has many users that require authentication. It does not have the 10 second limit or NetAPI polling. Event log polling requires fast network links. Event log polling is required if there are Mac OS users logging into Windows AD.
In Polling mode (see Figure 80), the Collector agent polls port 445 of each domain controller for user logon information every few seconds and forwards it to the FortiGate unit. There are no DC Agents installed, so the Collector agent polls the domain controllers directly.
Figure 80: FSSO in Polling mode
A major benefit of Polling mode is that no FSSO DC Agents are required. If it is not possible to install FSSO DC Agents on your domain controllers, this is the alternate configuration available to you. Polling mode results in a less complex install, and reduces ongoing maintenance. The minimum permissions required in Polling mode are to read the event log or call NetAPI. To install FSSO with minimum permissions, see “Installing FSSO without using an administrator account”.