Archiving email : Configuring email archiving accounts : Configuring destination settings
Configuring destination settings
The following procedure is part of the email archive account configuration process. For general procedures about how to configure an archive account, see “Configuring email archiving accounts”. For information about how to use the email archiving feature, see “Email archiving workflow”.
1. Go to Email Archiving > Archive Accounts.
2. Click New to create a new account or double click on an existing account to edit it.
3. Under Destination Settings, select an archiving destination:
Local (the FortiMail unit’s local hard drive, or a NAS server if you configure a NAS server as the remote storage target. See “Selecting the mail data storage location”.)
Remote (a remote FTP or SFTP storage server).
4. If Local is the archiving destination, enter the disk space quota in Local disk quota.
If you are archiving to the local disk, the disk quota for this archiving account cannot exceed 20% of the total disk size. For example, if the mail data disk has a size of 100 GB, a maximum of 20 GB can be used for this archiving account. If this quota is met, or 95% of the total disk space is used, FortiMail will automatically remove the oldest email archive folder in order to make space for the new archive.
If you are archiving to a NAS server, this quota setting does not apply. Only the 95% disk usage rule applies.
5. If Remote is the archiving destination, configure the following:
GUI item
Select the protocol that the FortiMail unit will use to connect to the remote storage server, either SFTP or FTP.
IP address
Enter the IP address of the remote storage server.
User name
Enter the user name of an account the FortiMail unit will use to access the remote storage server, such as Fortimail.
Enter the password for the user name of the account on the remote storage server.
Remote directory
Enter the directory path on the remote storage server where the FortiMail unit will store archived email, such as /home/fortimail/email-archives.
Remote cache quota
Enter the FortiMail cache quota that is allowed to be used for remote host archiving. The above statement regarding the local disk quota also applied to the cache quota.