Using Traffic Monitor Graphs : Using the Layer 7 graphs
Using the Layer 7 graphs
You use the Layer 7 graphs to monitor drops due to SPP thresholds.
The Layer 7 set includes the following graphs:
HTTP Methods
HTTP Hosts
HTTP Referers
HTTP Cookies
HTTP User Agents
Table 52 summarizes the statistics displayed in the graph. Figure 86 shows the HTTP Methods graph and Figure 87 shows the HTTP URLs graphs. The other graphs are simlar.
You can customize the following query terms: <specific value>, SPP, period, and direction.
Before you begin:
You must have Read-Write permission for Log & Report settings.
To display the graphs:
Go to Monitor > Layer 7 > [Selection].
Table 52: Layer 7 graphs
HTTP Methods
HTTP Method <Method> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum rate for the selected HTTP method. The following methods are available:
HTTP Method <Method> Estimated Threshold
Trend in the estimated threshold. The estimated threshold is the rate that triggers drops. In contrast to the configured minimum threshold, which is based on a snapshot of previously recorded data, the estimated threshold adjusts as more traffic is observed. It is almost always higher than the configured minimum threshold, and never lower. It is based on algorithms designed to distinguish attack traffic from traffic increases that are the result of legitimate users accessing the protected system. Factors include historical data, trend, and seasonality.
HTTP Method <Method> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
URL <Index> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate of packets with the specified request URL. A spike in this graph shows a possible URL flood.
URL <Index> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
URL <Index>Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
HTTP Hosts
Host <Index> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate of packets with the specified Host header. A spike in this graph shows a possible Host flood.
Host <Index> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
Host <Index> Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
HTTP Referers
Referer <Index> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate of packets with the specified Referer header. A spike in this graph shows a possible Referer flood.
Referer <Index> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
Referer <Index> Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
HTTP Cookies
Cookie <Index> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate of packets with the specified cookie header. A spike in this graph shows a possible Cookie flood.
Cookie <Index> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
Cookie <Index> Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
HTTP User Agents
User Agents <Index> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate of packets with the specified user agent header. A spike in this graph shows a possible User Agent flood.
User Agents <Index> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
User Agents <Index> Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
Figure 86: HTTP Methods
Figure 87: URLs