Using Traffic Monitor Graphs : Using the Layer 4 graphs
Using the Layer 4 graphs
You use the Layer 4 graphs to monitor drops due to SPP thresholds.
The Layer 4 set includes the following graphs:
SYN Packets
SYN Per Source
SYN Per Destination
Connection Per Source
Connection Per Destination
ACK Per Destination
RST Per Destination
FIN Per Destination
ESTAB Per Destination
New Connections
Non-Spoofed IPs
Established Connections
TCP Ports
UDP Ports
ICMP Types/Codes
Table 50 summarizes the statistics displayed in each graph. Figure 71 through Figure 85 show the Layer 4 graphs.
You can customize the following query terms: SPP, period, direction. For TCP ports, UDP ports, and ICMP Types/Codes, you also specify the port or type/code.
Before you begin:
You must have Read-Write permission for Log & Report settings.
To display the graphs:
Go to Monitor > Layer 4 > [Selection].
Table 50: Layer 4 graphs
SYN Packets
SYN Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate (SYN packets/second).
SYN Packets Estimated Threshold
Trend in the estimated threshold. The estimated threshold is the rate that triggers drops. In contrast to the configured minimum threshold, which is based on a snapshot of previously recorded data, the estimated threshold adjusts as more traffic is observed. It is almost always higher than the configured minimum threshold, and never lower. It is based on algorithms designed to distinguish attack traffic from traffic increases that are the result of legitimate users accessing the protected system. Factors include historical data, trend, and seasonality.
SYN Packets Dropped
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the syn threshold.
SYN Per Source
SYN Per Source Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum rate of SYN packets from a single source. A spike in this graph shows a possible SYN attack from a single source or a few sources.
SYN Per Source Estimated Threshold
Trend in the estimated threshold.
SYN Per Source Packets Dropped
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the syn-per-source threshold.
SYN Per Destination
SYN Per Destination Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum rate of SYN packets to a single destination. A spike in this graph shows a possible SYN attack on a single destination or a few destinations.
SYN Per Destination Estimated Threshold
Trend in the estimated threshold.
SYN Per Destination Drops
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the syn-per-dst threshold.
Connections Per Source
Max Concurrent Connections Per Source
Trend in observed count of concurrent connections for the busiest source. A spike in this graph shows that a single source may be trying to establish too many connections.
Estimated Threshold for Concurrent Connections Per Source
Trend in the estimated threshold.
Concurrent Connections Dropped Per Source
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the concurrent-connections-per-source threshold.
Connections Per Destination
Max Concurrent Connections Per Destination
Trend in observed count of concurrent connections for the busiest destination. A spike in this graph shows a possible DDoS attack on a single destination.
Estimated Threshold For Concurrent Connections Per Destination
Trend in the estimated threshold.
Concurrent Connections Dropped Per Destination
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the concurrent-connections-per-destination threshold.
ACK Per Destination
ACK Per Destination Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum rate of ACK packets to a single destination. A spike in this graph shows a possible ACK attack on a single destination or a few destinations.
ACK Per Destination Estimated Threshold
Trend in the estimated threshold.
ACK Per Destination Dropped
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the ack-per-dst threshold.
RST Per Destination
RST Per Destination Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum rate of RST packets to a single destination. A spike in this graph shows a possible RST attack on a single destination or a few destinations.
RST Per Destination Estimated Threshold
Trend in the estimated threshold.
RST Per Destination Packets Dropped
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the rst-per-dst threshold.
FIN Per Destination
FIN Per Destination Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum rate of FIN packets to a single destination. A spike in this graph shows a possible FIN attack on a single destination or a few destinations.
FIN Per Destination Estimated Threshold
Trend in the estimated threshold.
FIN Per Destination Packets Dropped
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the fin-per-dst threshold.
ESTAB Per Destination
Established Connections Per Destination Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed packet rate for the destination with the most established TCP connections. A spike in this graph shows a possible connection establishment attack.
Estimated Threshold For Established Connections Per Destination
Trend in the estimated threshold.
Established Connections Per Destination Packets Dropped
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the estab-per-dst threshold.
New Connections
Max New Connections Establishment
Trend in observed packet rate of new connections. A spike in this graph shows a possible concerted DoS or DDoS attack.
Estimated Threshold for Connections Establishment
Trend in the estimated threshold.
New Connections Dropped
Trend in drops due to the effective rate limit for the new-connections threshold.
Non-Spoofed IPs
Non-Spoofed IPs
Trend in count of entries in the legitimate IP address table.
Note: The legitimate IP address table is maintained and reported as a global count. (Please disregard the SPP selection menu on this page.) Therefore, the Non-Spoofed IPs graph is not reset when you reset SPP statistics.
Established Connections
Established Connections
Trend in count of entries in the TCP state table that are in the established state (completed three-way handshake).
Number of Entries in TCP State Table
Trend in count of entries in the TCP state table, including half-open connections. If the values for the number of entries in the TCP state table are significantly higher than those for established connections, it shows a possible SYN flood attack.
TCP Ports
TCP <Port> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate to the specified port. A spike in this graph shows a possible port flood.
TCP <Port> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
TCP <Port> Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
UDP Ports
UDP <Port> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate to the specified port. A spike in this graph shows a possible port flood.
UDP <Port> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
UDP <Port> Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
ICMP Types/Codes
ICMP <Index> Max Packet Rate
Trend in observed maximum packet rate of packets with the specified ICMP type/code. A spike in this graph shows a possible ICMP flood.
ICMP <Index> Packets Dropped
Trend in packets dropped due to the effective rate limit.
ICMP <Index> Packets Blocked
Trend in packets blocked due to related blocking periods.
Figure 71: SYN Packets
Figure 72: SYN Per Source
Figure 73: SYN Per Destination
Figure 74: Connection Per Source
Figure 75: Connection Per Destination
Figure 76: ACK Per Destination
Figure 77: RST Per Destination
Figure 78: FIN Per Destination
Figure 79: ESTAB Per Destination
Figure 80: New Connections
Figure 81: Non-Spoofed IPs
Figure 82: Established Connections
Figure 83: TCP Ports
Figure 84: UDP Ports
Figure 85: ICMP Types/Codes