Detects different hacktools used for relay attacks on Windows for privilege escalation. This rule is adapted from
Collection consists of techniques adversaries may use to gather information and the sources information is collected from that are relevant to following through on the adversary's objectives. Frequently, the next goal after collecting data is to steal (exfiltrate) the data. Common target sources include various drive types, browsers, audio, video, and email. Common collection methods include capturing screenshots and keyboard input.
Man-in-the-Middle: LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning and SMB Relay
Adversaries may attempt to position themselves between two or more networked devices using a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) technique to support follow-on behaviors such as Network Sniffing or Transmitted Data Manipulation. By responding to Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) and NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS) network traffic, adversaries may spoof an authoritative source for name resolution to force communication with an adversary controlled system. This activity may be used to collect or relay authentication materials.
Windows Sysmon via FortiSIEM Agent
No remediation guidance specified
If the following pattern or patterns match an ingested event within the given time window in seconds, trigger an incident.
300 seconds
If the following defined pattern/s occur within a 300 second time window.
This is the named definition of the event query, this is important if multiple subpatterns are defined to distinguish them.
This is the query logic that matches incoming events
eventType="Win-Sysmon-1-Create-Process" AND (procName REGEXP ".*HotPotato.*|.*Juicy Potato.*|.*JuicyPotato.*|.*PetitPotam.*|.*RottenPotato.*|.*\\LocalPotato.*|.*\\Potato\.exe.*|.*\\Responder\.exe.*|.*\\SpoolSample\.exe.*|.*\\just_dce_.*|.*\\ntlmrelayx.*|.*\\smbrelayx.*|.*\\temp\\rot\.exe.*" OR command REGEXP ".* /ntlm:NTLMhash .*|.* ntlmrelay.*|.* smbrelay.*|.*Invoke-PetitPotam.*|.*Invoke-Tater.*|.*\.exe -t .* -p .*|.*cme smb .*" OR (command REGEXP ".*\.exe -c \"\{.*" AND command REGEXP "\}\" -z$")) AND ((procName NOT REGEXP ".*HotPotatoes .*|.*HotPotatoes6.*|.*HotPotatoes7.*"))
This defines how matching events are aggregated, only events with the same matching attribute values are grouped into one unique incident ID
This is most typically a numerical constraint that defines when the rule should trigger an incident
COUNT(*) >= 1
This section defines which fields in matching raw events should be mapped to the incident attributes in the resulting incident.
The available raw event attributes to map are limited to the group by attributes and the aggregate event constraint fields for each subpattern
command = Filter.command,
hostName = Filter.hostName,
procName = Filter.procName