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All Disk Write Wait less than 15ms" }, { "attribute": "Process Health", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All processes are up more than 6 hours. All processes CPU Utilization less than 50%. 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CPU Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Memory Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Memory Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Swap Space Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Swap In Rate less than 750000bps" }, { "attribute": "Disk Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All Disk Utilization less than 65%" }, { "attribute": "I/O Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "CPU Idle Wait less than 1%. All Disk I/O Utilization less than 50%. All Disk Read Wait less than 15ms. All Disk Write Wait less than 15ms" }, { "attribute": "Process Health", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All processes are up more than 6 hours. All processes CPU Utilization less than 50%. All processes memory Utilization less than 50%" }, { "attribute": "Shared Store", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Readers are within 15% of Writer" }, { "attribute": "Event Pipeline", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Worker Upload Queue less than 25MB" }, { "attribute": "Last Status Updated", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Last Status Updated 1min ago is within 5min" } ] }, "hostInfo": { "name": "sp2093.abc.com", "ip": "" }, "versionInfo": { "version": "", "commitHash": "76eda84b125", "builtOn": 1650419413, "contentVersion": "200", "contentFlag": "UpToDate" }, "hardware": { "vCPU": "8", "memory_gb": "23" }, "eps": { "3min": 122.44, "15min": 122.06, "30min": 122.2, "allocatedEPS": 120000, "incomingEPS": 130, "dropLicenseEPS": 0 }, "eventUploadQueue": { "queue": 1, "disk_kb": 0 }, "loadAverage": { "1min": 2.6, "5min": 1.75, "15min": 1.65 }, "cpuUsage": { "used_pct": 13.3, "system_pct": 1, "user_pct": 12.1, "free_pct": 86.7, "idleWait_pct": 0 }, "memoryUsage": { "total_mb": 23895, "used_mb": 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"diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phFortiInsightAI", "uptime_sec": 17616, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 366, "memoryUtil_pct": 1.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "AppSvr", "uptime_sec": 23602, "cpuUtil_pct": 9, "residentMemory_mb": 4440, "memoryUtil_pct": 18.6, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "DBSvr", "uptime_sec": 23611, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 37, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "postgres" }, { "processName": "JavaQueryServer", "uptime_sec": 17521, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 1316, "memoryUtil_pct": 5.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phAnomaly", "uptime_sec": 23415, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 60, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "SVNLite", 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CPU Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Memory Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Memory Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Swap Space Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Swap In Rate less than 750000bps" }, { "attribute": "Disk Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All Disk Utilization less than 65%" }, { "attribute": "I/O Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "CPU Idle Wait less than 1%. All Disk I/O Utilization less than 50%. All Disk Read Wait less than 15ms. All Disk Write Wait less than 15ms" }, { "attribute": "Process Health", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All processes are up more than 6 hours. All processes CPU Utilization less than 50%. All processes memory Utilization less than 50%" }, { "attribute": "Shared Store", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Readers are within 15% of Writer" }, { "attribute": "Event Pipeline", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Worker Upload Queue less than 25MB" }, { "attribute": "Last Status Updated", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Last Status Updated 0min ago is within 5min" } ] }, "hostInfo": { "name": "wk2097.abc.com", "ip": "" }, "versionInfo": { "version": "", "commitHash": "76eda84b125", "builtOn": 1650419413, "contentVersion": "200", "contentFlag": "UpToDate" }, "hardware": { "vCPU": "8", "memory_gb": "23" }, "eps": { "3min": 122.39, "15min": 122.05, "30min": 122.2, "allocatedEPS": 120000, "incomingEPS": 129, "dropLicenseEPS": 0 }, "eventUploadQueue": { "queue": 1, "disk_kb": 0 }, "loadAverage": { "1min": 0.24, "5min": 0.34, "15min": 0.35 }, "cpuUsage": { "used_pct": 2.2, "system_pct": 0.7, "user_pct": 1.3, "free_pct": 97.8, "idleWait_pct": 0 }, "memoryUsage": { "total_mb": 23895, "used_mb": 5258, "free_mb": 18637, "used_pct": 22 }, "swapUsage": { "total_mb": 25448, "used_mb": 0, "in_bps": 0, "out_bps": 0, "used_pct": 0 }, "diskUsage": [ { "filesystem": "/dev/mapper/rl-root", "mountedOn": "/", "type": "xfs", "size_mb": 22528, "used_mb": 8294.4, "avail_mb": 14336, "used_pct": 38 } ], "diskIO": [ { "device": "sdb", "read_ops": 0.28, "write_ops": 1.82, "read_kbps": 19.61, "write_kbps": 12.55, "readWait_ms": 1.57, "writeWait_ms": 5.51, "util_pct": 0.49, "mountedOn": "/opt" }, { "device": "dm-1", "read_ops": 0.5, "write_ops": 1.56, "read_kbps": 28.14, "write_kbps": 15.29, "readWait_ms": 1.54, "writeWait_ms": 3.22, "util_pct": 0.17, "mountedOn": "/" } ], "nfsIO": [ { "read_ops": 0, "read_kbps": 0, "read_kbpop": 0, "readLatency_ms": 0, "write_ops": 0, "write_kbps": 0, "write_kbpop": 0, "writLatency_ms": 0 } ], "processStat": [ { "processName": "phParser", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 1534, "memoryUtil_pct": 6.4, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin", "sharedStore_type": "writer", "sharedStore_position": "318873240", "sharedStore_pct": 59.3948 }, { "processName": "phQueryWorker", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 684, "memoryUtil_pct": 2.9, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin", "sharedStore_type": "reader", "sharedStore_position": "318873240", "sharedStore_pct": 59.3948 }, { "processName": "phRuleWorker", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 835, "memoryUtil_pct": 3.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin", "sharedStore_type": "reader", "sharedStore_position": "318873240", "sharedStore_pct": 59.3948 }, { "processName": "phDataManager", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 713, "memoryUtil_pct": 3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin", "sharedStore_type": "reader", "sharedStore_position": "318873240", "sharedStore_pct": 59.3948 }, { "processName": "phReportWorker", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 671, "memoryUtil_pct": 2.8, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin", "sharedStore_type": "reader", "sharedStore_position": "318873240", "sharedStore_pct": 59.3948 }, { "processName": "phIpIdentityWorker", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 597, "memoryUtil_pct": 2.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin", "sharedStore_type": "reader", "sharedStore_position": "318873240", "sharedStore_pct": 59.3948 }, { "processName": "phPerfMonitor", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 112, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phAgentManager", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 99, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.4, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phCheckpoint", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 38, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phEventForwarder", "uptime_sec": 17416, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 73, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phMonitor", "uptime_sec": 17421, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 117, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "Apache", "uptime_sec": 17417, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 15, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.1, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" }, { "processName": "Rsyslogd", "uptime_sec": 23824, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 5, "memoryUtil_pct": 0, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" }, { "processName": "Node.js-charting", "uptime_sec": 23819, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 86, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.4, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "Node.js-pm2", 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CPU Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Memory Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Memory Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Swap Space Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Swap In Rate less than 750000bps" }, { "attribute": "Disk Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All Disk Utilization less than 65%" }, { "attribute": "I/O Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "CPU Idle Wait less than 1%" }, { "attribute": "Process Health", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All processes are up more than 4 hours. All processes CPU Utilization less than 50%. All processes memory Utilization less than 50%" }, { "attribute": "Event Pipeline", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Collector Buffer less than 20MB" }, { "attribute": "Last Status Updated", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Last Status Updated 3min ago is within 5min" }, { "attribute": "Last File Received", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Collector has nothing to send" }, { "attribute": "Last Event Time Received", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Collector has nothing to send" } ] }, "hostInfo": { "name": "co2098", "ip": "" }, "versionInfo": { "version": "", "commitHash": "76eda84b125", "builtOn": 1650419413, "contentVersion": "200", "contentFlag": "UpToDate" }, "hardware": { "vCPU": "8", "memory_gb": "23" }, "eps": { "3min": 0, "15min": 0, "30min": 0, "allocatedEPS": 660497, "incomingEPS": 0, "dropLicenseEPS": 0 }, "eventUploadQueue": { "total_mb": 0, "event_mb": 0, "windows_mb": 0, "linux_mb": 0, "svn_mb": 0 }, "loadAverage": { "1min": 0.13, "5min": 0.21, "15min": 0.23 }, "cpuUsage": { "used_pct": 1.6, "system_pct": 0.8, "user_pct": 0.7, "free_pct": 98.4, "idleWait_pct": 0 }, "memoryUsage": { "total_mb": 23895, "used_mb": 2004, "free_mb": 21891, "used_pct": 8 }, "swapUsage": { "total_mb": 25448, "used_mb": 0, "in_bps": 0, "out_bps": 0, "used_pct": 0 }, "upgradeStat": { "upgradeVersion": "N/A", "installStatus": "N/A", "downloadStatus": "N/A" }, "diskUsage": [ { "filesystem": "/dev/mapper/rl-root", "mountedOn": "/", "type": "xfs", "size_mb": 22528, "used_mb": 7475.2, "avail_mb": 15360, "used_pct": 34 } ], "processStat": [ { "processName": "phParser", "uptime_sec": 16928, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 718, "memoryUtil_pct": 3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phAgentManager", "uptime_sec": 16928, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 76, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phCheckpoint", "uptime_sec": 16928, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 59, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phDiscover", "uptime_sec": 16928, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 64, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phEventPackager", "uptime_sec": 16928, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 49, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phPerfMonitor", "uptime_sec": 16928, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 81, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phEventForwarder", "uptime_sec": 16928, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 42, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phMonitor", "uptime_sec": 16932, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 567, "memoryUtil_pct": 2.4, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "Apache", "uptime_sec": 16940, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 15, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.1, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" }, { "processName": "Rsyslogd", "uptime_sec": 16939, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 3, "memoryUtil_pct": 0, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" } ] } } ] }, { "id": 2001, "name": "ch650-1788", "healthStatus": "Normal", "nodes": [ { "summary": { "instanceId": 2001, "name": "ch2096.abc.com", "nodeType": "Super", "status": "Normal" }, "metrics": { "nodeType": "Super", "healthSummary": { "summary": "Normal", "reason": [ { "attribute": "CPU Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "15min Load average less than 1%. CPU Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Memory Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Memory Utilization less than 75%" }, { "attribute": "Swap Space Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Swap In Rate less than 750000bps" }, { "attribute": "Disk Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All Disk Utilization less than 65%" }, { "attribute": "I/O Utilization", "value": "Normal", "reason": "CPU Idle Wait less than 1%. All Disk I/O Utilization less than 50%. All Disk Read Wait less than 15ms. All Disk Write Wait less than 15ms" }, { "attribute": "Process Health", "value": "Normal", "reason": "All processes are up more than 6 hours. All processes CPU Utilization less than 50%. All processes memory Utilization less than 50%" }, { "attribute": "Shared Store", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Readers are within 15% of Writer" }, { "attribute": "Event Pipeline", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Worker Upload Queue less than 25MB" }, { "attribute": "Last Status Updated", "value": "Normal", "reason": "Last Status Updated 1min ago is within 5min" } ] }, "hostInfo": { "name": "ch2096.abc.com", "ip": "" }, "versionInfo": { "version": "", "commitHash": "76eda84b125", "builtOn": 1650419413, "contentVersion": "200", "contentFlag": "UpToDate" }, "hardware": { "vCPU": "8", "memory_gb": "23" }, "eps": { "3min": 122.38, "15min": 122.08, "30min": 123.79, "allocatedEPS": 120000, "incomingEPS": 131, "dropLicenseEPS": 0 }, "eventUploadQueue": { "queue": 1, "disk_kb": 0 }, "loadAverage": { "1min": 1.91, "5min": 2.59, "15min": 2.4 }, "cpuUsage": { "used_pct": 17.9, "system_pct": 3.5, "user_pct": 13.9, "free_pct": 82.1, "idleWait_pct": 0.1 }, "memoryUsage": { "total_mb": 23895, "used_mb": 13485, "free_mb": 10411, "used_pct": 56 }, "swapUsage": { "total_mb": 25448, "used_mb": 0, "in_bps": 0, "out_bps": 0, "used_pct": 0 }, "diskUsage": [ { "filesystem": "/dev/mapper/rl-root", "mountedOn": "/", "type": "xfs", "size_mb": 22528, "used_mb": 8601.6, "avail_mb": 14336, "used_pct": 40 }, { "filesystem": "/dev/sde1", "mountedOn": "/cmdb", "type": "xfs", "size_mb": 61440, "used_mb": 830, "avail_mb": 61440, "used_pct": 2 }, { "filesystem": "/dev/sdd1", "mountedOn": "/svn", "type": "xfs", "size_mb": 61440, "used_mb": 461, "avail_mb": 61440, "used_pct": 1 }, { "filesystem": "/dev/sdg", "mountedOn": "/data-clickhouse-hot-1", "type": "xfs", "size_mb": 71680, "used_mb": 1740.8, "avail_mb": 70656, "used_pct": 3 }, { "filesystem": "/dev/sdh", "mountedOn": "/data-clickhouse-warm-1", "type": "xfs", "size_mb": 71680, "used_mb": 532, "avail_mb": 71680, "used_pct": 1 } ], "diskIO": [ { "device": "sdf", "read_ops": 0.63, "write_ops": 2.67, "read_kbps": 39.45, "write_kbps": 21.41, "readWait_ms": 1.9, "writeWait_ms": 5.28, "util_pct": 0.78, "mountedOn": "/opt" }, { "device": "sdg", "read_ops": 0.14, "write_ops": 9.85, "read_kbps": 1.87, "write_kbps": 560.34, "readWait_ms": 0.06, "writeWait_ms": 6.53, "util_pct": 0.69, "mountedOn": "/data-clickhouse-hot-1" }, { "device": "sde", "read_ops": 0.12, "write_ops": 0.63, "read_kbps": 4.03, "write_kbps": 10.87, "readWait_ms": 0.96, "writeWait_ms": 3.58, "util_pct": 0.15, "mountedOn": "/cmdb" }, { "device": "sdd", "read_ops": 0.06, "write_ops": 0, "read_kbps": 0.23, "write_kbps": 0.09, "readWait_ms": 0.17, "writeWait_ms": 3.88, "util_pct": 0, "mountedOn": "/svn" }, { "device": "sdh", "read_ops": 0.14, "write_ops": 0.01, "read_kbps": 1.87, "write_kbps": 3.19, "readWait_ms": 0.06, "writeWait_ms": 13.62, "util_pct": 0, "mountedOn": "/data-clickhouse-warm-1" }, { "device": "dm-1", "read_ops": 0.64, "write_ops": 1.87, "read_kbps": 46.18, "write_kbps": 46.17, "readWait_ms": 1.65, "writeWait_ms": 4.1, "util_pct": 0.21, "mountedOn": "/" } ], "nfsIO": [ { "read_ops": 0, "read_kbps": 0, "read_kbpop": 0, "readLatency_ms": 0, "write_ops": 0, "write_kbps": 0, "write_kbpop": 0, "writLatency_ms": 0 } ], "processStat": [ { "processName": "phParser", "uptime_sec": 16841, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 1570, "memoryUtil_pct": 6.6, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin", "sharedStore_type": "writer", "sharedStore_position": "151349088", "sharedStore_pct": 28.191 }, { "processName": "phQueryMaster", "uptime_sec": 16790, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 320, "memoryUtil_pct": 1.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phRuleMaster", "uptime_sec": 16844, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 743, "memoryUtil_pct": 3.1, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phRuleWorker", "uptime_sec": 16844, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 805, "memoryUtil_pct": 3.4, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, 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"phCheckpoint", "uptime_sec": 16844, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 38, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phPerfMonitor", "uptime_sec": 16844, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 118, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phReportLoader", "uptime_sec": 16790, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 357, "memoryUtil_pct": 1.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phDataPurger", "uptime_sec": 16844, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 99, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.4, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phEventForwarder", "uptime_sec": 16844, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 82, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phMonitor", "uptime_sec": 16794, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 114, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.5, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "Apache", "uptime_sec": 23274, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 15, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.1, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" }, { "processName": "Rsyslogd", "uptime_sec": 23273, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 4, "memoryUtil_pct": 0, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" }, { "processName": "Node.js-charting", "uptime_sec": 23268, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 80, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "Node.js-pm2", "uptime_sec": 23266, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 60, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "phFortiInsightAI", "uptime_sec": 17124, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 373, "memoryUtil_pct": 1.6, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "AppSvr", "uptime_sec": 23264, "cpuUtil_pct": 7, "residentMemory_mb": 4330, "memoryUtil_pct": 18.1, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "DBSvr", "uptime_sec": 23274, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 37, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "postgres" }, { "processName": "phAnomaly", "uptime_sec": 23081, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 60, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "SVNLite", "uptime_sec": 23274, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 476, "memoryUtil_pct": 2, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" }, { "processName": "phClickHouseMonitor", "uptime_sec": 16876, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 95, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.4, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" }, { "processName": "ClickHouseServer", "uptime_sec": 16856, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 1278, "memoryUtil_pct": 5.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "root" }, { "processName": "Redis", "uptime_sec": 23268, "cpuUtil_pct": 0, "residentMemory_mb": 78, "memoryUtil_pct": 0.3, "diskRead_kbps": 0, "diskWrite_kbps": 0, "owner": "admin" } ] } } ] } ] }