Automated Incident Resolution Recommendation

FortiSIEM provides 2 attributes to record Incident status:

  1. Incident Resolution: None, True Positive, False Positive
  2. Incident Status: Active, System Clear and Manually Cleared

When an Incident triggers, Incident Status is set to Active and Incident Resolution is set to None. There are 3 ways an Incident can get resolved:

  1. If the Incident turns out to be a false positive, then the user can set Incident Resolution to False Positive and Incident Status to Manually Cleared.
  2. The Incident may clear itself because of a clearing condition in the rule. In that case, Incident Resolution is set to True Positive and Incident Status is set to System Cleared.
  3. The Incident may be a real issue. In that case, after working through the Issue, the user can set Incident Resolution to True Positive and Incident Status to Manually Cleared.

FortiSIEM uses a Machine Learning Classification algorithm to recommend Incident Resolution. First, it learns the Incident Resolution set by the user for Incidents over the previous 2 days. Then it recommends Incident Resolution for new Incidents as they occur. The algorithm runs daily at midnight (12AM) to cover Incidents over the last 2 days. Recommendation is done as follows:

  1. Incident Resolution is set to True Positive or False Positive.
  2. A new Incident attribute called Confidence (between 0 and 100) is set. A high confidence number implying high confidence on the result.
  3. Incident Comment is updated with the comment "Resolution set by Machine Learning".


  1. Only Incident Resolution is set. Incident Status is not modified.
  2. The Machine Learning algorithm always runs in the background and cannot be disabled. The algorithm uses a set of Incident attributes as features (including Event Receive Time, Event Type, Reporting Device, Source, Target, Category and MITRE Attack Technique) to make its recommendation.