Investigating Incidents

You can examine an incident in-depth through the following methods.

  1. From the Incidents page, select an incident and choose Investigate from the Action drop-down list.
  2. On the Analytics > Investigation page, enter the Incident ID number of the incident you wish to examine, or select it from the top 10 incidents that appear initially on a new tab, and click Load.

When an incident number has been provided, the Analytics Investigation page will show an undirected graph of the incident and involved entities (host/ip, user, process, file) as nodes. The latest top 10 incidents appear initially on a new tab on the Analytics > Investigation page.

A Time From and To field are available to set the time span you wish to investigate for the selected incident.

A left vertical bar offers the following functions.



Investigation History Click to view investigation actions that have taken place for the incident.
Timeline Click to view information on when the incident occurred. Incidents are ordered by when they occurred in the timeline. Hover your mouse cursor over an incident in the Timeline panel to see the incident and its affected entities in the undirected graph. A Play icon can be clicked to illustrate when the incident occurred for the selected time span. The information icon can be clicked to get more detailed information. Check the Auto checkbox to play the next node automatically without having to click it. The Recenter icon moves the current incident in the timeline sequence to the center
Root Incident Comments Click to view any comments made related to the incident.

Examining an Incident and Related Entities

After an incident has been loaded into Analytics, you can take the following actions. A node will either be an incident or an entity (host/ip, user, process, file). An incident can be recognized by a colored border that also indicates the severity of the incident.

  • Hover over a node to bring up a quick overview on the incident/entity object.
  • Click on a incident node to access a left pane that provides detailed information on the incident and various actions that you can take.



    DetailsClick to view detailed information on the incident.
    EventsClick to view the triggering events that led to the incident. Click > to go to the next triggering event, if applicable.
    ContextClick to get information about all the IPs and hosts in the incident. Device type, presence in Malware lists and watch lists is also provided.
    CommentsClick to view and add/edit comments related to the incident.
    ...Click to view additional actions available to take on the incident. See Acting on Incidents for more information.
    In addition to the actions that can be taken listed in Acting on Incidents, the user also has access to Action History. Clicking on Action History displays all the actions that the user has taken on the incident in the current session, including the date/time each action was taken. The user can expand and get more details on a particular action by clicking on the caret icon.

  • Click on a node that is an entity to access a left pane that shows entity information. See Pane Information on the Risk Page for more information.



    DetailsClick to view detailed information on the entity.
    External LookupIf the entity is a device, click to run an external lookup (VirusTotal, RiskIQ, and/or FortiGuard) for the entity. First, select the IP address from the External Lookup Target drop-down list, select the external lookup from the Check from Website drop-down list, then click Lookup.
    Run ReportIf the entity is a host or IP node, Run Report is available. From the Report drop-down list, select a report. Next, use the Quick Filters or Custom Filters if needed, then click Run. From the Result Summary, click Show to get a more detailed table.
    ContextClick to get IP and host information.

  • Additionally, when a node is selected from the undirected graph, related objects can be added to the undirected graph. See the following table for further information on the actions you can take.
    Note: Actions that are available are determined by the object you selected.



    Related EntitiesClick to view additional identified related entities for the incident you selected.
    Related IncidentsClick to view additional identified related incidents for the entity you selected.

    Related Incidents and Entities

    Click to view additional identified related incidents and entities for the entity you selected.

    Remove NodeClick to remove the selected node.

Working with the Undirected Graph

Adding an Undirected Graph

Click on +, enter the Incident ID that you wish to view an undirected graph of, and click Load.

Clearing an Undirected Graph

To clear an undirected graph, click the trash icon in the lower right corner.

Fitting the Undirected Graph in Panel

To fit the undirected graph in the existing panel, click the "fit in frame" icon.

Repositioning a Node

To reposition a node, click and hold the left mouse button over a node. Next, move the mouse to reposition the node, and release the mouse button when done.

Repositioning the Undirected Graph

To reposition the undirected graph, click and hold the left mouse button over a location that isn't a node. Next, move the mouse to reposition the undirected graph, and release the mouse button when done.

To recenter the undirected graph, click the Center icon, located in the lower right corner.

Zooming In/Out of the Undirected Graph

To zoom in or out of a graph, click the + or - icons.