Editing phoenix_config.txt File

The file /opt/config/phoenix_config.txt contains FortiSIEM run-time parameters. The parameters belong to 2 classes:

  • Group 1: Preserved between upgrades - these parameters can be changed by the user and the changes will be preserved. For example:
    # FSM upgrade preserves customer changes to parameter value
    num_event_parser=16 #timeWithinSec requires at least 2 parser when former event will depend on later event
  • Group 2: Overwritten during upgrade - these parameters are considered internal to and owned by FortiSIEM and will be overwritten during upgrade. For example:
    # FSM internal parameter; FSM overwrites
    raw_sharedstore_size=268435456 #15M = 15728640, 64M = 67108864, 256M = 268435456, 512M = 536870912

Please follow these methods if you are intentionally making changes to these parameters.

  1. For parameters affecting Supervisor and Worker nodes, you can safely change Group 1 parameters and they will be preserved across upgrades. For Group 2 parameters, the changes will be effective, but will be overwritten during upgrade. Please contact Fortinet Support if you really need to preserve Group 2 parameter changes.
  2. For parameters affecting Collectors, instead of changing the /opt/config/phoenix_config.txt file, you need to change /opt/phoenix/config/collector_config_template.txt on the Supervisor. This ensures that new Collectors registering will get the new parameters and the changes are preserved across upgrades. If you want to change the parameters for an existing Collector, then you need to make the same change in 2 places:
    • Change the /opt/config/phoenix_config.txt file on the Collector and restart the Collector.
    • Make the same change on /opt/phoenix/config/collector_config_template.txt on the Supervisor. This ensures that new Collectors registering will get the new parameters and the changes are preserved across upgrades.
    Other than that, the same rules for Group 1 and Group 2 apply. You can safely change Group 1 parameters and they will be preserved across upgrades. For Group 2 parameters, the changes will be effective, but will be overwritten during upgrade.