Sun Solaris Server

What is Discovered and Monitored


Information Discovered

Metrics collected

Used for


Host name, generic hardware (cpu, memory, network interface, disk), software (operating system version, installed software, running processes, open TCP/UDP ports)

Uptime, CPU/Memory/Network Interface/Disk space utilization, Network Interface Errors, Running Process Count, Installed Software change, Running process CPU/memory utilization, Running process start/stop, TCP/UDP port up/down

Performance Monitoring


Hardware (cpu details, memory)

Memory paging rate, Disk I/O utilization

Performance Monitoring


Vendor, Model

General logs including Authentication Success/Failure, Privileged logons, User/Group Modification

Security Monitoring and Compliance

Event Types

In ADMIN > Device Support > Event, search for "solaris" in the Device Type and Description column to see the event types associated with this device. 


SNMP v1 and v2c 

  1. Check if the netsnmp package installed. Solaris has built-in snmp packages. If the netsnmp is not installed, use pkgadd cmd to install it.
  2. Start snmnp with the default configuration.


  1. Make sure that the vmstat and iostat commands are available. If not, install these libraries.
  2. Create a user account that can issue vmstat and iostat commands. FortiSIEM will use that user account to log in to the server.

Settings for Access Credentials

SNMP, Telnet, and SSH Access Credentials for All Devices

See Access Credentials.


LDAP, LDAPS, LDAP Start TLS / OpenLDAP Access Credentials for All Devices

Settings Value
Name <set name>
Device Type Sun Solaris
Access Protocol LDAP / LDAPS / LDAP Start TLS
Used For OpenLDAP
Server Port 389 for LDAP, LDAP Start TLS; 636 for LDAPS
Base DN The Distinguished Name (DN) of the starting point for directory server searches
Password Config See Password Configuration
User Name Name of the user able to access this system
Password Password of the user able to access this system


LDAP, LDAPS, LDAP Start TLS / Microsoft Active Directory Access Credentials for All Devices

Settings Value
Name <set name>
Device Type Sun Solaris
Access Protocol LDAP / LDAPS / LDAP Start TLS
Used For Microsoft Active Directory
Server Port 389 for LDAP, LDAP Start TLS; 636 for LDAPS
Base DN The Distinguished Name (DN) of the starting point for directory server searches
NetBIOS/Domain The domain name or NetBIOS name attribute
Password Config See Password Configuration
User Name Name of the user able to access this system
Password Password of the user able to access this system