Sending Email and SMS Notifications for Incidents

When you set actions for an incident notification, one option is to send an email or SMS message to groups or individuals, and you also have an option to specify a template that should be used in the email. 



  1. Log in to your Supervisor node.
  2. Go to Analytics > Incident Notification Policy.
  3. Select the policy that you want to set up the email or SMS notification for.
  4. Under Actions, next to the email/sms notification table, click ... .
  5. For multi-tenant deployments, select the Organization that contains the individuals or groups you want notified.
    Under Folders, you will see the user groups for that organization listed.
  6. In the Folders pane, select a group.
    In the Items pane, you will see a list of users for that group.
  7. Select a group and click Folder >> to add a group to the Notification Actions list, or select individual users and click Items >>

    Adding Individual Email Addresses

    If you want to set up notifications for individual email addresses without selecting from a user group, click Add under Email Addr and enter the addresses separated by commas. 

  8. Under Notification Actions, select the Method, Email or SMS, that you want to use sending the notification.
  9. Select an Email Template if you are sending an email notification.
    If you leave this blank, the default email template will be used. 
  10. Click Save.

    Run On

    The Run On column only applies if your notification action is to execute a script. For email and SMS notification actions, it will be auto-populated with Super.

You can send incident notification emails for multiple incidents based on customer requirements by selecting multiple incidents and clicking Email button.