Viewing Cloud Health

The ADMIN > Health > Cloud Health page displays the status of the nodes in your deployment, as well as the processes running on them. The top frame displays all the available clouds and the lower frame provides information about the applications that are contained in the cloud selected in the main frame.

Follow the procedure below to view the information about Cloud health:

  1. Go to ADMIN > Health > Cloud Health tab.
  2. Click on any node in the first frame to view its process details on the second frame.
    Refer to the 'FortiSIEM Backend Processes' table below for more information about the system role played by each process.

    First frame
    Name Name of the available clouds.
    IP Address IP address of the available clouds.
    Module RoleModule role, for example, 'Supervisor'
    Health Current health of the cloud
    Version Current version of the cloud
    Upgrade VersionUpgrade version number
    Build DateDate when the cloud was created
    CoresNumber of cores
    Load AverageAverage load of the cloud
    CPUPercentage CPU used
    Swap SizeSwap size
    Swap UsedSwap used
    Memory SizeMaximum memory size
    Memory UsedMemory used
    Up TimeTotal time that the cloud was in 'Up' status
    Last Report SyncTime when the report was synched previously

    Second frame
    Process Name Name of the process
    Status Status of the process
    Up TimeTotal up time of the process
    CPUMeasure of the CPU that the process is using
    Event Rate Events used each second by the process
    Physical MemoryAmount of physical memory used by the process
    Virtual MemoryAmount of virtual memory used by the process
    SharedStore ID and SharedStore PositionSharedStore ID and position information

    FortiSIEM Backend Processes

    ProcessFunctionUsed by SupervisorUsed by WorkerUsed by Collector
    phMonitorMonitoring other processesXXX
    phDiscoverPulling basic data from targetXX
    phPerfMonitorExecute performance jobXXX
    phAgentManagerExecute event pulling jobXXX
    phCheckpointExecute checkpoint monitoringXXX
    phEventPackageUploading event/SVN file to Supervisor/WorkerX
    phParserParsing event to shared store (SS)XXX
    phDataManagerSave event from SS to Event DBXX
    phRuleMasterDetermines if a rule should triggerX
    phRuleWorkerAggregates data for rulesXX
    phQueryMasterMerges data from QueryWorkerX
    phQueryWorkerExecutes a query taskXX
    phReportMasterMerge data from ReportWorkerX
    phReportWorkerAggregates data for reportsXX
    phIPIdentityMasterMerges IP identity informationX
    phIdentityWorkerCollects IP identity informationXX
    ApacheReceives event/SVN files from the Collector. Apache also runs on Collector to receive Windows Agent logs.XX