Chapter 15 Security Profiles : Web filter : Configuring Web Filter Profiles : Configuring FortiGuard Web Filter settings
Configuring FortiGuard Web Filter settings
FortiGuard Web Filter includes a number of settings that allow you to determine various aspects of the filtering behavior.
Getting to the Edit Web Filter Profile configuration window
Once you have gotten to the profile configuration window there are a number of settings that can be used, most of which are optional, so to avoid redundancy we will treat each of these sections of options separately, but without dupicating the common instructions of how to get to the profile editing page. Those instructions are here.
1. Go to Security Profiles > Web Filter.
2. Determine if you wish to create a new profile or edit an existing one.
a. New profile:
i. Select the Create New icon, in the upper right of the window (looks like a plus sign in a circle) or...
ii. Select the List icon, in the uppper right (looks like a white rectangle with lines like text. Select the Create New icon in the upper left.
b. Edit existing profile:
i. Select the name of the profile that you wish to edit from the dropdown menu.
ii. Select the List icon, in the uppper right (looks like a white rectangle with lines like text. Select the name of the profile from the list.
3. Make sure there is a valid name, and comment if you want.
4. Configure the settings to best achieve your specific requirements
5. Select Apply or OK, depending on whether you are editing or creating a new profile..
In older versions of FortiOS there was a character limitation for the URL of 2048 bytes or approximately 321 characters. If the URL you were trying to reach was longer the URL sent to FortiGuard would be truncated and the service would be unable to categorize the site. Starting in version 5 of the firmware the parsed URL has been increase to 4Kilobytes, effectively doubling the length of a URL capable of being categorized.