Chapter 1 What’s New for FortiOS 5.2.1 : Security Profiles : Intrusion Protection System (IPS) : Extensible Meta Data
Extensible Meta Data
Extensible meta data allow you to specify custom options in IPS signatures that are delivered to your FortiGate without interpretation, in order to make signatures easier to find and understand for the FortiGate administrator. Four types of meta data options are supported: integers, bitmaps, enumerables, and strings.
In this example, a set of meta data is declared and then used to create IPS signatures.
1. The meta data is declared:
F-META2( --name points; --index 12; --type integer; )
F-META2( --name flags; --index 34; --type bitmap; --value foo:1; --value bar:2; --value baz:4; )
F-META2( --name dr_seuss; --index 56; --type enum; --value "One Fish":1; --value "Two Fish":2; --value "Red Fish":3; --value "Blue Fish":4; )
F-META2( --name secret; --index 78; --type string; )
2. The meta data is used:
F-SBID( --points 42; ... )
F-SBID( --flags foo; --flags baz; ... )
F-SBID( --dr_seuss "One Fish"; ... )
F-SBID( --secret "Abracadabra"; ... )