Chapter 7 Firewall : Firewall objects : Services and TCP ports : Protocol Types : UDP
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) like TCP is one of the core protocols of the Internet and part of the Transport Layer of the OSI Model. UDP is designed more for speed than reliability and is generally used for different applications than TCP. UDP sends messages, referred to as datagrams across the network or Internet to other hosts without establishing a prior communication link. In other words, there is no handshake.
UDP is an unreliable service as the datagrams can arrive out of order, duplicated or go missing without any mechanism to verify them. UDP works on the assumption that any error checking is done by the application or is not necessary for the function of the application. This way it avoids the overhead that is required to verify the integrity of the data.
This lack of overhead improves the speed of the data transfer and is why UDP is often used by applications that are time sensitive in nature. UDP's stateless nature is also great for applications that answer a large number of small queries from a large number of clients.
Common uses for UDP are:
Domain Name Resolution (DNS)
Time (NTP)
Streaming media (RTSP, RTP and RTCP)
Telephone of the Internet (VoIP)
File Transfer (TFTP)
Logging (SNMP)
Online games (GTP and OGP)