Chapter 13 Logging and Reporting : Logging and reporting overview : Reports : The parts of a FortiOS report
The parts of a FortiOS report
Charts are used to display the log information in a clear and concise way using graphs and tables. Charts contain datasets, which are SQLite queries that help the FortiGate unit to add specific log information into the chart using the log information that is stored in the SQLite database on the local hard disk. If you want to configure a chart, you must configure the dataset first. Datasets are required for each chart, and if there is no dataset included in a chart, the chart will not be saved.
Themes provide a one-step style application for report layouts. Themes contain various styles, including styles for the table of contents, headings, headers and footers, as well as the margins of the report’s pages. Themes are applied to layouts. The styles that are applied to themes are configured separately in the CLI.
You can easily upload your company or organization’s logo to use within a report. By uploading your company or organization’s logo and applying it to a report, you provide a personalized report that is recognizable as your company or organization’s report. The image must be in JPEG, JPG or PNG format.
Layouts provide a way to incorporate the charts, images, and themes that are configured to create a formatted report. A layout is used as a template by the FortiGate unit to compile and then generate the report. The layout is also coded in the CLI.