Chapter 13 Logging and Reporting : Logging and reporting overview : Log messages : Viewing log messages and archives : Customizing the display of log messages on the web-based manager
Customizing the display of log messages on the web-based manager
Customizing log messages on the web-based manager allows you to remove or add columns from the page and filter the information that appears. For example, you can view only log messages that appeared on December 4, between the hours of 8:00 and 8:30 am.
1. Select the submenu in Log & Report in which you want to customize the display of log messages, such as Log & Report > Traffic Log > Forward Traffic.
2. Right click on the title bar at the top of any column, and uncheck a column title such as Date/Time to remove it from the interface. Check other columns to add them to the interface. When you are finished, click outside the menu and the page will refresh with the new column settings in place.
3. Choose a column you’d like to filter, and select the funnel icon next to the title of the column. For example, select the funnel in the Src (Source) column. In the text field, enter the source IP address and then select the check box beside NOT.
This filters out the all log messages that have the source IP address in the source IP log field, such as the ones generated when running log tests in the CLI.
4. Select OK to save the customize settings, and then view the log messages on the page.
Log messages that originate from the source address will no longer appear in the list.