Chapter 12 Load Balancing : Configuring load balancing : Load balancing overview : Load balancing diagnose commands
Load balancing diagnose commands
You can also use the following diagnose commands to view status information for load balancing virtual servers and real servers:
diagnose firewall vip realserver {down | flush | healthcheck | list | up}
diagnose firewall vip virtual-server {filter | log | real-server | session | stats}
For example, the following command lists and displays status information for all real servers:
diagnose firewall vip virtual-server real-server
vd root/0 vs vs/2 addr status 1/1
conn: max 0 active 0 attempts 0 success 0 drop 0 fail 0
vd root/0 vs vs/2 addr status 1/1
conn: max 0 active 0 attempts 0 success 0 drop 0 fail 0
Many of the diagnostic commands involve retrieving information about one or more virtual servers. To control which servers are queried you can define a filter:
diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter <filter_str>
Where <filter_str> can be:
clear erase the current filter
dst the destination address range to filter by
dst-port the destination port range to filter by
list display the current filter
name the vip name to filter by
negate negate the specified filter parameter
src the source address range to filter by
src-port the source port range to filter by
vd index of virtual domain. -1 matches all
The default filter is empty so no filtering is done.