Chapter 8 Hardware Acceleration : Hardware acceleration overview : Checking that traffic is offloaded by NP processors : Checking the firewall session offload tag
Checking the firewall session offload tag
Use the diagnose sys session list command to display sessions. If the output for a session includes the npu info field you should see information about session being offloaded. If the output doesn’t contain an npu info field then the session has not been offloaded.
diagnose sys session list
session info: proto=6 proto_state=01 duration=34 expire=3565 timeout=3600 flags=00000000 sockflag=00000000 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3
ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/
state=may_dirty npu
statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=295/3/1 reply=60/1/1 tuples=2
orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=48->6/6->48 gwy=
hook=pre dir=org act=noop>
hook=post dir=reply act=noop>
pos/(before,after) 0/(0,0), 0/(0,0)
misc=0 policy_id=1 id_policy_id=0 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=4
serial=0000091c tos=ff/ff ips_view=0 app_list=0 app=0
dd_type=0 dd_mode=0
per_ip_bandwidth meter: addr=, bps=393
npu info: flag=0x81/0x81, offload=4/4, ips_offload=0/0, epid=1/23, ipid=23/1, vlan=32779/0