Chapter 20 Virtual Domains : Virtual Domains in Transparent mode : Configuring VDOMs in Transparent mode : Switching to Transparent mode
Switching to Transparent mode
A VDOM is in NAT/Route mode by default when it is created. You must switch it to Transparent mode, and add a management IP address so you can access the VDOM from your management computer.
Before applying the change to Transparent mode, ensure the VDOM has administrative access on the selected interface, and that the selected management IP address is reachable on your network.
To switch the tpVDOM VDOM to Transparent mode - web-based manager
1. Go to Global > VDOM > VDOM.
2. Edit the tpVDOM.
3. Select Transparent for Operation mode.
4. Enter the management IP/Netmask.
The IP address must be accessible to the subnet where the management computer is located. For example will be able to access the subnet.
5. Select Apply.
When you select Apply, the FortiGate unit will log you out. When you log back in, the VDOM will be in Transparent mode.
To switch the tpVDOM VDOM to Transparent mode - CLI
config vdom
edit tpVDOM
config system settings
set opmode transparent
set mangeip