Chapter 20 Virtual Domains : Virtual Domains : Benefits of Virtual Domains : More flexible MSSP configurations
More flexible MSSP configurations
If you are a managed security and service provider (MSSP), VDOMs are fundamental to your business. As a service provider you have multiple customers, each with their own needs and service plans. VDOMs allow you to have a separate configuration for each customer, or group of customers; with up to 500 VDOMs configured per FortiGate unit on high end models. See “Virtual Domain Licensing”.
Not only does this provide the exact level of service needed by each customer, but administration of the FortiGate unit is easier as well - you can provide uninterrupted service generally with immediate changes as required. Most importantly, it allows you to only use the resources that each customer needs. Inter-VDOM links allow you to customize the level of interaction you need between each of your customers and your administrators. See “Inter-VDOM routing”.