Chapter 5 FortiOS Carrier : MMS Security features : MMS DLP archiving
MMS DLP archiving
You can use DLP archiving to collect and view historical logs that have been archived to a FortiAnalyzer unit or the FortiGuard Analysis and Management service. DLP archiving is available for FortiAnalyzer when you add a FortiAnalyzer unit to the FortiOS Carrier configuration. The FortiGuard Analysis and Management server becomes available when you subscribe to the FortiGuard Analysis and Management Service.
You can configure full DLP archiving and summary DLP archiving. Full DLP archiving includes all content, for example, full email DLP archiving includes complete email messages and attachments. Summary DLP archiving includes just the meta data about the content, for example, email message summary records include only the email header.
You can archive MM1, MM3, MM4, and MM7 content: