Chapter 1 What’s New for FortiOS 5.0 : Wireless : Bridge SSID to FortiGate wired network
Bridge SSID to FortiGate wired network
A WiFi network can be combined with a wired LAN so that WiFi and wired clients are on the same subnet. This is a convenient configuration for users.
Figure 56: A FortiAP unit bridged with the internal network
This configuration cannot be used in conjunction with Wireless Mesh features because it enables the FortiAP Local Bridge option.
To create the bridged WiFi and wired LAN configuration, you need to configure the SSID with the Local Bridge option so that traffic is sent directly over the FortiAP unit’s Ethernet interface to the FortiGate unit, instead of being tunneled to the WiFi controller.
Figure 57: SSID configured with Local Bridge option
Enter the following command from the CLI:
config wireless-controller vap
edit "homenet_if"
set vdom "root"
set ssid "homenet"
set local-bridging enable
set security wpa-personal
set passphrase "Fortinet1"
config wireless-controller wtp
edit FAP22B3U11005354
set admin enable
set vaps "homenet_if"