Chapter 13 Logging and Reporting : Troubleshooting and logging : Log database issues : Connection problems
Connection problems
If well-formed SQL queries do not produce results, and logging is turned on for the log type, there may be a database configuration problem with the remote database.
Ensure that:
MySQL is running and using the default port 3306.
You have created an empty database and a user who has read/write permissions for the database.
Here is an example of creating a new MySQL database named fazlogs, and adding a user for the database:
1. #Mysql –u root –p
2. mysql> Create database fazlogs;
3. mysql> Grant all privileges on fazlogs.* to ‘fazlogger’@’*’ identified by ‘fazpassword’;
4. mysql> Grant all privileges on fazlogs.* to ‘fazlogger’@’localhost’ identified by ‘fazpassword’;