Chapter 13 Logging and Reporting : Appendix: FortiGate report charts : Traffic charts
Traffic charts
Traffic charts contain information about the traffic activity, which includes email, terminal and instant messaging traffic. Terminal activity is activity that is SSH or Telnet, which is used to log in to the FortiGate unit’s from a remote location.
The information from these charts are taken from the traffic log table in the SQLite database; however, the traffic.bandwidth.wanopt chart contains information from the traffic log’s subtype wanopt which is stored within the traffic log table.
The information displayed in these charts is in a bar chart style; however, the traffic.bandwidth.wanopt displays information in a pie chart style.
Table 85: Explanation of the traffic charts 
Dataset included in chart
Explanation of the chart
traffic.bandwidth.apps. app_cat
traffic.bandwidth. apps.app_cat
The top applications for an application category by bandwidth.
traffic.bandwidth. app_cats.user
traffic.bandwidth. app_cats.user
The top application categories for a user by bandwidth.
traffic.bandwidth. users
The top user traffic by bandwidth.
traffic.sessions.apps. app_cat
traffic.sessions. apps.app_cat
The top applications for sessions by application category.
traffic.sessions. app_cats.user
traffic.sessions. app_cats.user
The top sessions by application categories for a user.
traffic.sessions. users
The top users by sessions.
traffic.bandwidth.apps. user
traffic.bandwidth. apps.user.
The top applications for a user by bandwidth.
traffic.bandwidth.users. app
The top users using applications by bandwidth.
traffic.bandwidth. app_cats
The top application categories by bandwidth.
traffic.sessions.apps. user
The top applications that are used by a user by sessions.
traffic.sessions.users. app
The top users for application by sessions.
traffic.sessions. app_cats
The top application categories by session.
The WAN Optimization and web cache performance information.