Chapter 1 What’s New for FortiOS 5.0 : Security Features : DLP watermarking : Fortinet watermarking utility : Using the watermarking client with Linux
Using the watermarking client with Linux
If you are in your home directory and you want to watermark a file in the Documents directory, you could plan out the command like this:
watermark [because that is the executable to be used]
-v [so that you can get as much feedback as possible]
-I [because you don't want a new file you just want to watermark the existing one]
-f [because you only want to change the one file not the entire directory]
filename.pdf [the name of the file]
-i 123456 [to set the identifier to 123456 - this is a required setting
-l Private [to set the sensitivity level to "Private"]
Now at the command prompt enter all of these components in order:
~/Documents$ fortinet-watermark-linux.out -v -I -f filename.pdf -i 12345 -l Private
Creating watermark. Pattern:
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=identifier=12345 sensitivity=Private=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Watermarking file: 'filename.pdf'
Inserted watermark size 148
<command prompt>:~/Documents$