Chapter 11 IPsec VPN for FortiOS 5.0 : IPv6 Configuration : IPv6 firewall addresses
IPv6 firewall addresses
Scenario: Mail Server
You need to create an IPv6 address for the Mail Server on Port1 of your internal network.
These server is on the network off of port1.
The IP address is 2001:db8:0:2::20/64
There should be a tag for this address being for a server
Go to Firewall Objects > Address > Addresses and select Create New > IPv6 Address.
Fill out the fields with the following information
Address Name
IPv6 Address
Add Tags
Select OK.
Enter the following CLI command:
config firewall address6
edit Mail_Server
set type ipmask
set subnet 2001:db8:0:2::20/64
set associated-interface port1
set tags Server