Device Management : Managing FortiGate chassis devices : Viewing chassis dashboard : Viewing the status of the power entry modules
Viewing the status of the power entry modules
You can view the status of the power entry modules (PEM).
Go to Device Manager > All Chassis and in the content pane select the name of a chassis in the list. In the navigation pane, select the PEM tab.
The FG-5140 chassis displays more PEM information than the FG-5050.
Select to update the current page.
The order numbers of the PEM in the chassis.
Indicates whether the PEM is present or absent.
The temperature of the PEM.
Temperature State
Indicates whether the temperature of the PEM is in the acceptable range. OK indicates that the temperature is within acceptable range.
PEM temperature thresholds.
Feed -48V
Number of PEM fuses. There are four pairs per PEM.
PEM fuse status: present or absent.
Power Feed
The power feed for each pair of fuses.
Maximum External Current
Maximum external current for each pair of fuses.
Maximum Internal Current
Maximum internal current for each pair of fuses.
Minimum Voltage
Minimum voltage for each pair of fuses.
Power Available
Available power for each pair of fuses.
Power Used
Power used by each pair of fuses.
Used By
The slot that uses the power.