FortiManager Firmware : Upgrading from FortiManager v4.0 MR3 : Step 2: Transfer the firmware image to FortiManager
Step 2: Transfer the firmware image to FortiManager
Transfer the new FortiManager v4.0 MR3 Patch Release 7 firmware image to the FortiManager device:
1. Login to the FortiManager v4.0 MR3 Web-based Manager.
2. Go to System Settings > General > Dashboard.
3. Select Upgrade in the System Information widget.
4. Browse for the FortiManager v4.0 MR3 Patch Release 7 image file.
5. Select OK.
After the upgrade, please clear your browser cache before logging into the FortiManager Web-based Manager. Please make sure your computer's screen resolution is set to at least 1280x1024, otherwise, the Web-based Manager may not be displayed properly.