Real-time Monitor : RTM monitoring : RTM Dashboards : Resource, network, and threat monitors
Resource, network, and threat monitors
A monitor allows you to watch the status of a variable associated with one or more monitored devices, such as CPU usage. You can set a high-water mark, or threshold, that will alert you when the device reaches a state that requires attention.
Go to Real-time Monitor > Monitoring > Dashboard and select Add Monitor.
Figure 169: Add Monitor window
Select the variable to monitor.
Polling Interval
Enter the frequency with which to request information from the monitored device. Polling more often generates more data but slows down the device a bit. The polling interval cannot be less than 5 minutes.
Chart Display Direction
Select Horizontal or Vertical from the drop-down list.
Select the color for the chart.
Select All Devices, or Specify to select individual devices.