Fortinet Management Theory : Inside the FortiManager system : Inside the FortiManager device manager tab
Inside the FortiManager device manager tab
Figure 1: Management model
Global ADOM layer
The global ADOM layer contains two key pieces: the global object database and all header and footer policies.
Header and footer policies are used to envelop policies within each individual ADOM. These are typically invisible to users and devices in the ADOM layer. An example of where this would be used is in a carrier environment, where the carrier would allow customer traffic to pass through their network but would not allow the customer to have access to the carrier’s network assets.
ADOM layer
The ADOM layer is where the FortiManager manages individual devices or groups of devices. It is inside this layer where policy packages and folders are created, managed and installed on managed devices. Multiple policy packages can be created here, and they can easily be copied to other ADOMs to facilitate configuration or provisioning of new devices on the network. The ADOM layer contains one common object database per ADOM, which contains information such as addresses, services, antivirus and attack definitions, and web filtering and email filter.
Device manager layer
The device manager layer records information on devices that are centrally managed by the FortiManager unit, such as the name and type of device, the specific device model, its IP address, the current firmware installed on the unit, the device’s revision history, and its real-time status.