Advanced Features : Script samples : TCL scripts : Additional TCL Scripts
Additional TCL Scripts
To get and display state information about the FortiGate device:
#Run on FortiOS v5.00
#This script will display FortiGate's CPU states,
#Memory states, and Up time
puts [exec "# This is an example TCL script to get the system performance of the FortiGate\n" "# " 15 ]
set input [exec "get system status\n" "# " 15]
regexp {Version: *([^ ]+) ([^,]+),build([0-9]+),[0-9]+} $input dummy status(Platform) status(Version) status(Build)
if {$status(Version) eq "v5.0"} {
puts -nonewline [exec "config global\n" "# " 30]
puts -nonewline [exec "get system performance status\n" "# " 30]
puts -nonewline [exec "end\n" "# " 30]
} else {
puts -nonewline [exec "get system performance\n" "#" 30]
------- Executing time: 2013-10-21 16:21:43 ------
Starting log (Run on device)
FortiGate-VM64 #
config global
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # get system performance status
CPU states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle
CPU0 states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle
CPU1 states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle
Memory states: 73% used
Average network usage: 0 kbps in 1 minute, 0 kbps in 10 minutes, 0 kbps in 30 minutes
Average sessions: 1 sessions in 1 minute, 2 sessions in 10 minutes, 2 sessions in 30 minutes
Average session setup rate: 0 sessions per second in last 1 minute, 0 sessions per second in last 10 minutes, 0 sessions per second in last 30 minutes
Virus caught: 0 total in 1 minute
IPS attacks blocked: 0 total in 1 minute
Uptime: 6 days, 1 hours, 34 minutes
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # end
FortiGate-VM64 #
------- The end of log ----------
------- Executing time: 2013-10-21 16:16:58 ------
To configure common global settings:
#Run on FortiOS v5.00
#This script will configure common global, user group and ntp settings
#if you do not want to set a parameter, comment the
#corresponding set command
#if you want to reset a parameter to it's default
#value, set it an empty string
puts [exec "# This is an example TCL script to configure global, user group and ntp setting of FortiGate\n" "# " 15 ]
# global
set sys_global(admintimeout) ""
# user group
set sys_user_group(authtimeout) 20
# ntp
set sys_ntp(source-ip) ""
set sys_ntp(ntpsync) "enable"
#procedure to execute FortiGate command
proc fgt_cmd cmd {
puts -nonewline [exec "$cmd\n" "# " 30]
#config system global---begin
fgt_cmd "config global"
fgt_cmd "config system global"
foreach key [array names sys_global] {
if {$sys_global($key) ne ""} {
fgt_cmd "set $key $sys_global($key)"
} else {
fgt_cmd "unset $key"
fgt_cmd "end"
fgt_cmd "end"
#config system global---end
#config system user group---begin
fgt_cmd "config vdom"
fgt_cmd "edit root"
fgt_cmd "config user group"
fgt_cmd "edit groupname"
foreach key [array names sys_user_group] {
if {$sys_user_group($key) ne ""} {
fgt_cmd "set $key $sys_user_group($key)"
} else {
fgt_cmd "unset $key"
fgt_cmd "end"
fgt_cmd "end"
#config system user group---end
#config system ntp---begin
fgt_cmd "config global"
fgt_cmd "config system ntp"
foreach key [array names sys_ntp] {
if {$sys_ntp($key) ne ""} {
fgt_cmd "set $key $sys_ntp($key)"
} else {
fgt_cmd "unset $key"
fgt_cmd "end"
fgt_cmd "end"
#config system ntp---end
------- Executing time: 2013-10-22 09:12:57 ------
Starting log (Run on device)
FortiGate-VM64 # config global
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # config system global
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # unset admintimeout
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # end
FortiGate-VM64 # config vdom
FortiGate-VM64 (vdom) # edit root
current vf=root:0
FortiGate-VM64 (root) # config user group
FortiGate-VM64 (group) # edit groupname
FortiGate-VM64 (groupname) # set authtimeout 20
FortiGate-VM64 (groupname) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (root) # end
FortiGate-VM64 # config global
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # config system ntp
FortiGate-VM64 (ntp) # set ntpsync enable
FortiGate-VM64 (ntp) # set source-ip
FortiGate-VM64 (ntp) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # end
FortiGate-VM64 #
------- The end of log ----------
To configure syslogd settings and filters:
#Run on FortiOS v5.00
#This script will configure log syslogd setting and
#key-value pairs for 'config log syslogd setting', no
#value means default value.
set setting_list {{status enable} {csv enable}
{facility alert} {port} {server}}
#key-value pairs for 'config log syslogd filter', no
#value means default value.
puts [exec "# This is an example TCL script to configure log syslogd setting and filter setting of FortiGate\n" "# " 15 ]
set filter_list {{attack enable} {email enable} {severity} {traffic enable} {virus disable}
{web enable}}
#set the number of syslogd server, "", "2" or "3"
set syslogd_no "2"
#procedure to execute FortiGate CLI command
proc fgt_cmd cmd {
puts -nonewline [exec "$cmd\n" "# "]
#procedure to set a series of key-value pairs
proc set_kv kv_list {
foreach kv $kv_list {
set len [llength $kv]
if {$len == 0} {
} elseif {$len == 1} {
fgt_cmd "unset [lindex $kv 0]"
} else {
fgt_cmd "set [lindex $kv 0] [lindex $kv 1]"
#configure log syslogd setting---begin
fgt_cmd "config global"
fgt_cmd "config log syslogd$syslogd_no setting"
set_kv $setting_list
fgt_cmd "end"
#configure log syslogd setting---end
#configure log syslogd filter---begin
fgt_cmd "config log syslogd$syslogd_no filter"
set_kv $filter_list
fgt_cmd "end"
#configure log syslogd filter---end
Starting log (Run on device)
FortiGate-VM64 # config global
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # config log syslogd2 setting
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set status enable
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set csv enable
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set facility alert
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # unset port
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set server
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # config log syslogd2 filter
FortiGate-VM64 (filter) # set attack enable
FortiGate-VM64 (filter) # set email enable
FortiGate-VM64 (filter) # unset severity
FortiGate-VM64 (filter) # set traffic enable
FortiGate-VM64 (filter) # set virus disable
FortiGate-VM64 (filter) # set web enable
FortiGate-VM64 (filter) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (global) #
------- The end of log ----------
To configure the FortiGate device to communicate with a FortiAnalyzer unit:
#This script will configure the FortiGate device to
#communicate with a FortiAnalyzer unit
#Enter the following key-value pairs for 'config
#system fortianalyzer'
set status enable
set enc-algorithm high
#localid will be set as the hostname automatically
puts [exec "# This is an example TCL script to configure the FortiGate to communicate with a FortiAnalyzer\n" "# " 15 ]
set server
#for fortianalyzer, fortianalyzer2 or
#fortianalyzer3, enter the corresponding value "",
#"2", "3"
set faz_no ""
#keys used for 'config system fortianalyzer', if you
#do not want to change the value of a key, do not put
#it in the list
set key_list {status enc-algorithm localid server }
##procedure to get system status from a FortiGate
proc get_sys_status aname {
upvar $aname a
set input [split [exec "get system status\n" "# "] \n]
foreach line $input {
if {![regexp {([^:]+):(.*)} $line dummy key value]} continue
set a([string trim $key]) [string trim $value]
#procedure to execute FortiGate command
proc fgt_cmd cmd {
puts -nonewline [exec "$cmd\n" "# "]
#set the localid as the FortiGate's hostname
get_sys_status sys_status
set localid $sys_status(Hostname)
#config system fortianalyzer---begin
fgt_cmd "config global"
fgt_cmd "config log fortianalyzer$faz_no setting"
foreach key $key_list {
if [info exists $key] {
fgt_cmd "set $key [set $key]"
} else {
fgt_cmd "unset $key"
fgt_cmd "end"
fgt_cmd "end"
#config system fortianalyzer---end
Starting log (Run on device)
FortiGate-VM64 # config global
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # config log fortianalyzer setting
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set status enable
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set enc-algorithm high
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set localid FortiGate-VM64
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # set server
FortiGate-VM64 (setting) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (global) # end
FortiGate-VM64 #
------- The end of log ---------
To create custom IPS signatures and them to a custom group:
#Run on FortiOS v5.00
#This script will create custom ips signatures and
#change the settings for the custom ips signatures
puts [exec "# This is an example TCL script to create custom ips signatures and change the settings for the custom ips signatures on a FortiGate\n" "# " 15 ]
#Enter custom ips signatures, signature names are the
#names of array elements
set custom_sig(c1) {"F-SBID(--protocol icmp;--icmp_type 10; )"}
set custom_sig(c2) {"F-SBID(--protocol icmp;--icmp_type 0; )"}
#Enter custom ips settings
set custom_rule(c1) {{status enable} {action block} {log enable} {log-packet} {severity high}}
set custom_rule(c2) {{status enable} {action pass} {log} {log-packet disable} {severity low}}
#procedure to execute FortiGate command
proc fgt_cmd cmd {
puts -nonewline [exec "$cmd\n" "# "]
#procedure to set a series of key-value pairs
proc set_kv kv_list {
foreach kv $kv_list {
set len [llength $kv]
if {$len == 0} {
} elseif {$len == 1} {
fgt_cmd "unset [lindex $kv 0]"
} else {
fgt_cmd "set [lindex $kv 0] [lindex $kv 1]"
} }
#config ips custom---begin
fgt_cmd "config vdom"
fgt_cmd "edit root"
fgt_cmd "config ips custom"
foreach sig_name [array names custom_sig] {
fgt_cmd "edit $sig_name"
fgt_cmd "set signature $custom_sig($sig_name)"
fgt_cmd "next"
fgt_cmd "end"
#config ips custom settings---begin
foreach rule_name [array names custom_rule] {
fgt_cmd "config ips custom"
fgt_cmd "edit $rule_name"
set_kv $custom_rule($rule_name)
fgt_cmd "end"
fgt_cmd "end"
#config ips custom settings---end
Starting log (Run on device)
FortiGate-VM64 # config vdom
FortiGate-VM64 (vdom) # edit root
current vf=root:0
FortiGate-VM64 (root) # config ips custom
FortiGate-VM64 (custom) # edit c1
set signature "F-SBID(--protocol icmp;--icmp_type 10; )"
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # set signature "F-SBID(--protocol icmp;--icmp_type 10; )"
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # next
FortiGate-VM64 (custom) # edit c2
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # set signature "F-SBID(--protocol icmp;--icmp_type 0; )"
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # next
FortiGate-VM64 (custom) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (root) # config ips custom
FortiGate-VM64 (custom) # edit c1
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # set status enable
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # set action block
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # set log enable
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # unset log-packet
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # set severity high
FortiGate-VM64 (c1) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (root) # config ips custom
FortiGate-VM64 (custom) # edit c2
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # set status enable
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # set action pass
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # unset log
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # set log-packet disable
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # set severity low
FortiGate-VM64 (c2) # end
FortiGate-VM64 (root) # end
FortiGate-VM64 #
------- The end of log ----------