Appendix E: Working with TLS/SSL : Troubleshooting FortiMail TLS issues : Useful tools
Useful tools
Openssl is useful for troubleshooting and testing TLS/SSL related issues. You can use Openssl to get the certificate of the CA that issued the remote server certificate by typing the following syntax at a command-line prompt:
Openssl s_client -connect server-ip:port -starttls smtp -showcerts
The following is an example of the Openssl tool output:
Figure 213: Sample Openssl tool output
Note that the certificate is displayed in Base64 format (PEM) in the output. If the server CA certificate is also displayed in the output, the FortiMail unit should be able to validate the server certificate. However, in many cases the CA certificate is not sent by the remote server. You can just copy the certificate from the command output starting from "----Begin certificate----" and ending with "----end certificate-----" and store it in a file such as server-cert.pem. Then the certificate can be read with Openssl using the following command:
Openssl x509 -in server-cert.pem -text
The following is a sample output of this command:
Figure 214: Sample Openssl command output
Within the certificate, there is a section called Authority Information Access (AIA) that contains a URL to the CA certificate. Download the certificate from the URL identified and import it into the FortiMail unit. If there is more than one level of CA, you can repeat the process until you get the root CA certificate. Then import all the intermediate CA and root CA certificates into the FortiMail unit.
Figure 215: Importing the CA certificate
The FortiMail unit only supports certificates in PEM format. If the CA certificates you downloaded are in DER (binary) format, you need to convert them with Openssl using the following command:
Openssl x509 -in my-ca.crt -inform DER -out myca.pem -outform PEM