Monitoring the system : Managing archived email : Searching the archived email
Searching the archived email
You can search the email archive for email messages based on their contents, senders, recipients, and time frames.
You can search archived email in both the current mailbox and rotated mailboxes, whether email is archived on the local disk or remote host. However, you can view only the archived email in the current mailbox on the local disk.
The search action involves two steps:
Create a search task, where you can specify search criteria.
Execute the search and view the results.
See below for detailed instructions.
To search the email archives
1. Go to Monitor > Archive > Archive Accounts.
2. Select the email archive account you want to search and click View. For details about email archive accounts, see “Configuring email archiving accounts”.
3. From the Archive Folder drop-down list, select Inbox to search the good mail mailboxes, or select Bulk to search the spam mailboxes.
4. Click Search button.
A new tab called Archived Email Search appears, displaying all search tasks if there are any.
5. Click New to add a search task.
6. Configure the search criteria.
7. Click Create to execute and save the task. The task name is the time when the task is created. The Archived Email Search tab displays the search tasks and their search status as follows:
Done: The FortiMail unit has finished the search. Click View Search Result to see the search results.
Pending: The search task is in the waiting list.
Running: The search task is still running. Click Stop to pause the search.
Stopped: The search task has stopped. Click Resume to restart the task.