Chapter 8: System Management > Updating firmware

Updating firmware

This topic includes the following information:

Upgrade considerations

The following considerations help you determine whether to follow a standard or non-standard upgrade procedure:

Important: Read the release notes for release-specific upgrade considerations.

Updating firmware using the web UI

Figure  146 shows the user interface for managing firmware. Firmware can be loaded on two disk partitions. You can use the web UI to boot the firmware version stored on the alternate partition or to upload and boot firmware updates (either upgrades or downgrades).

Figure  146:  Firmware update page

Before you begin:

To install firmware:
  1. Go to System > Maintenance > Backup & Restore tab.
  2. Under Firmware Upgrade/Downgrade, use the controls to select the firmware file that you want to install and click Update and Reboot icon.


Clear the cache of your web browser and restart it to ensure that it reloads the web UI.

Updating firmware using the CLI

This procedure is provided for CLI users.

Before you begin:

To install firmware via the CLI:
  1. Connect your management computer to the FortiDDoS console port using an RJ-45-to-DB-9 serial cable or a null-modem cable.
  2. Initiate a connection to the CLI and log in as the user admin.
  3. Use an Ethernet cable to connect FortiDDoS port1 to the TFTP server directly, or connect it to the same subnet as the TFTP server.
  4. If necessary, start the TFTP server.
  5. Enter the following command to transfer the firmware image to the FortiDDoS system:
  6. execute restore image tftp <filename_str> <tftp_ipv4>

    where <filename_str> is the name of the firmware image file and <tftp_ipv4> is the IP address of the TFTP server. For example, if the firmware image file name is image.out and the IP address of the TFTP server is, enter:

    execute restore image tftp image.out

    One of the following message appears:

    This operation will replace the current firmware version!
    Do you want to continue? (y/n)


    Get image from tftp server OK.
    Check image OK.
    This operation will downgrade the current firmware version!
    Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  7. Type y.
  8. The system installs the firmware and restarts:



    Total 28385179 bytes data downloaded.

    Verifying the integrity of the firmware image.

    Save as Default firmware/Backup firmware/Run image without saving:[D/B/R]?

  9. To verify that the firmware was successfully installed, use the following command:
  10. get system status

    The firmware version number is displayed.

If the download fails after the integrity check with the error message invalid compressed format (err=1,but the firmware matches the integrity checksum on the Fortinet Technical Support website, try a different TFTP server.


TFTP is not secure, and it does not support authentication. You should run it only on trusted administrator-only networks, and never on computers directly connected to the Internet. Turn off tftpd off immediately after completing this procedure.

Downgrading firmware

You can use the web UI or CLI to downgrade to a previous software image. The commands are the same as for upgrading. However, special guidelines apply: