Monitoring > Authentication


The Windows AD server and inactive users can be monitored from Monitor > Authentication. Learned RADIUS users can also be configured.

Windows AD

To view the Windows AD server information, go to Monitor > Authentication > Windows AD.

To refresh or reset the connection, select Refresh or Reset Connection in the toolbar. The server name, IP address, authentication realm, agent, and connection are shown.

Windows device logins

To view the Windows device logins, go to Monitor > Authentication > Windows Device Logins.

To refresh the list, select Refresh in the toolbar. See Machine authentication for more information.

Inactive users

To view a list of locked out, or inactive, users, go to Monitor > Authentication > Inactive Users.

To unlock a user from the list, select the user, then select Unlock. The list can be refreshed by selecting Refresh, and searched using the search field.

The list shows the username, server, the reason the user was locked out, and when they are locked out until.

For more information on locked out users, see Top User Lockouts widget, Lockouts, and User management.

Learned RADIUS users

Learned RADIUS users are users that have been learned by the FortiAuthenticator after they have authenticated against a remote RADIUS server.

For information on enabling learning RADIUS users, see RADIUS.
