config system : config system fortiguard
config system fortiguard
Use this command to configure how the FortiADC system receives scheduled updates from FortiGuard services.
FortiGuard periodically updates the WAF Signature Database, IP Reputation Database, and Geo IP Database.
Before you begin:
You must have read-write permission for system settings.
config system fortiguard
set override-server-status {enable|disable}
set override-server-address <string>
set scheduled-update-day {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}
set scheduled-update-frequency {daily|weekly|every}
set scheduled-update-status {enable|disable}
set scheduled-update-time <hh:mm>
Enable/disable connection to the override server address.
Override server IP address.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Every—Schedule periodic updates. Specify the time to perform the update.
Daily—Schedule daily updates. Specify the time of day to perform the update.
Weekly—Schedule weekly updates. Specify the day and time to perform the update.
Enable/disable scheduled updates.
<hh:mm> hour and minute, hh: 0-23, mm: {00|15|30|45}.
FortiADC-VM # get system fortiguard
scheduled-update-status: enable
scheduled-update-frequency: weekly
scheduled-update-day: Sunday
scheduled-update-time: 04:00
override-server-status: disable
push-update-status : enable
push-update-override-status: disable
tunneling-status : disable
FortiADC-VM # config system fortiguard
FortiADC-VM (fortiguard) # set scheduled-update-time 23:45
FortiADC-VM (fortiguard) # end
FortiADC-VM # get system fortiguard
scheduled-update-status: enable
scheduled-update-frequency: weekly
scheduled-update-day: Sunday
scheduled-update-time: 23:45
override-server-status: disable
push-update-status : enable
push-update-override-status: disable
tunneling-status : disable