execute : execute date
execute date
Use this command to display or set the system date and time.
execute date {<Enter> | <mm/dd/yyyy> [hh:mm:ss]}
If you do not specify a date, the command returns the current system date.
Current date where the FortiADC appliance is located. MM/DD/YY format.
HH:MM:SS format.
FortiADC-VM # execute date ?
date <mm/dd/yyyy> [hh:mm:ss]
<mm/dd/yyyy> mm/dd/yyyy, mm: 1-12, dd: 1-31, yyyy: 2001-2100
FortiADC-VM # execute date
Tue Mar 10 10:00:47 PDT 2015
FortiADC-VM # execute date 03/10/2015
send buff to ha. pid=31876, buff=
exec date