You are here: Working with Clusters and Match Rules > Modifying a Layer 7 HTTP or HTTPS Cluster > Layer 7 Security Certificate Screen (HTTPS Clusters)

Layer 7 Security Certificate Screen (HTTPS Clusters)

The HTTPS protocol supports encrypted, secure communication between clients and servers. It requires that a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication handshake occur between a client and a server in order for a connection request to succeed.

Certificates are loaded using either the CLI or GUI.

If you have uploaded a certificate that doesn't match the cipher suite that is configured for the HTTPS cluster, you will no longer be able to log into the GUI. You will need to supply the correct certificate/key pairing. In the meantime, you can enable HTTP access to the GUI temporarily to enter the proper certificate/key pairing to enable HTTPS access.

ClosedLoading Certificates Using the CLI
ClosedLoading Certificates Using the GUI