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Specifying Multiple Server Instances

When specifying server instances on the command line, the user can specify either a single object or a comma separated list of objects. For example, to create server instances of two servers (sv01 and sv02) in an existing server pool (sp01), you could enter:

eqcli> srvpool sp01 si sv01,sv02

eqcli sp-sp01-si-sv01*>

When you enter multiple server instances as in the command above, eqcli enters a special combined context that applies commands to all of the specified objects. For example, after entering the example command above, eqcli enters the “sv01,sv02” context and the CLI prompt changes to include the first four letters of the combined context, “sv01*”. To display the full current context, use the following command:

eqcli sp-sp01-si-sv01*> context

The current context is: 'sv01,sv02'

eqcli sp-sp01-si-sv01*>

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