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Queued Commands

CLI commands that specify changes to the current configuration will either be committed to the configuration file as soon as they are entered, or queued to be committed using the commit, exit, or <ctrl-d> commands.

For example, entering the following command to create a server creates the server immediately, and leaves eqcli in the global context:

eqcli > server sv01 proto tcp ip port 80

eqcli >

For example, if the server sv01 does not exist, entering the following server command in the global context queues the command and leaves eqcli in the relevant context; an explicit commit is needed to create the server:

eqcli > server sv01 proto tcp ip port 80

eqcli sv-sv01> commit

eqcli sv-sv01>

For example, if sv01 exists and the current context is “sv-sv01”, then the following commands are queued until a commit, exit, or <ctrl-d> command is entered:

eqcli > server sv01

eqcli sv-sv01> ip

eqcli sv-sv01> port 8080

eqcli sv-sv01> commit

Queued commands can be committed or discarded using the following commands:

Note that the following commands always take effect immediately and do not change the current command context:

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