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Enabling and Disabling Flags

Most objects have a flags keyword that is followed by one or more keywords that enable and disable particular object behavior. A single flag is specified as in this example:

eqcli> srvpool sp01 si sv01 flags hot_spare

Multiple flags in a command line can be separated using either a comma (,) or a vertical bar (|) between each flag. For example, all the following commands turn on the hot_spare and quiesce flags on a server instance:

eqcli> srvpool sp01 si sv01 flags hot_spare,quiesce
eqcli> srvpool sp01 si sv01 flags “hot_spare, quiesce”
eqcli> srvpool sp01 si sv01 flags hot_spare|quiesce
eqcli> srvpool sp01 si sv01 flags “hot_spare | quiesce”

Flags are disabled using the negate operator (the exclamation point character):

! Negates (turns off) the option that immediately follows it. No spaces are allowed between the negation operator and the option that follows.

For example, the following command disables the hot_spare option and quiesce options:

eqcli> srvpool sp01 si sv01 flags !hot_spare,!quiesce

A flag can be enabled and disabled in the object specific context or from any higher context. For example, you can type any of the following three command sequences to disable the spoof option on match rule ma00 in cluster cl00:

eqcli > cluster cl00 match ma00
eqcli cl-cl00-match-ma00> flags !spoof# match rule specific context
eqcli > cluster cl00
eqcli cl-cl00> match ma00 flags !spoof# cluster context
eqcli > cluster cl00 match ma00 flags !spoof # global context

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